Have You Ever Heard About Bearpaw?

Flavia Noriega
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJun 20, 2022

I had not heard of Bearpaw until two days ago when I was looking at alternatives and options of boots other than Uggs. As we know, winter is coming soon, and I want to be prepared with the adequate shoes for the New York City winter

About Bearpaw

Now, let me tell you about Bearpaw. It was founded in 2001 by Tom Romeo and nowadays it’s a well-known brand in the USA. Their signature products are sheepskin boots in various styles, colors, lengths, and sizes. They also produce hiking boots, and slippers for men, women, and children. They are well known for offering fashionable and trendy boots that are comfortable to wear throughout the fall and winter seasons. As Tom Romeo says: “The Bearpaw team now creates shoe styles for all walks of life, so you can live life comfortably wherever you are”

They position themselves as a comfortable and stylish brand that is redefining casual footwear.

Website and User Experience

After I discovered the brand, I immediately went to their website, I was curious not only on seeing the products they offer but also about the UX experience and web design too.

They have a very nice webpage, informative and with good graphics and pictures too (different angles and positions to have a better look and feel). I’d like that the webpage is well organized and easy to browse and find what you are looking for. It is divided into Men, Women, Kids, and a Sale section and under each section, you can find the different categories of shoes: Boots, Slippers, Shoes, Hikers, and Sandals, among others.

In addition, each product has a detailed description and review which gives you more confidence when buying and helps you to convert. There is also a chart size that helps you find the perfect shoe size.

Furthermore, they also use pictures of real people and models using the boots, which helps a lot because it not only shows how the boots will fit but it also gives you ideas on what occasions you can use them and how to combine them.

I also consider important the language and communication they use to transmit their strategies. They use friendly language and position themselves as a close brand to their customers. What I like most, is that when they communicate, they tell a story, for example when telling how Bearpaw was created, they used a video in which we can see how the founder had this magical encounter with a bear, and that inspired him to create the brand. Click here to see the video.

I also liked a lot that they had Campus Rangers. The Bearpaw Campus Ranger program is a paid position and runs for 10 weeks. Weekly responsibilities typically take 5–8 hours per week and include posting on Instagram, doing campus activations, and engaging with university clubs. I think that when you do advocacy marketing strategies and see real people (not only influencers) using the product plus the spread of mouth, you can achieve great things.

Moreover, they have a Loyalty Reward program where you earn points every time you shop, on your birthday, etc. You can also get free shipping and you may return it if you didn’t like it (you have 90 days). All mentioned makes you engage and convert.

They also have a chatbot, I consider having a chatbot crucial because customers always have questions and it’s an easy way to solve their inquiries and assure sales. It’s a way of being close to their customers. I write them and they respond in less than 3 minutes which I found great! Rapid and efficient.

When I first entered, there was a pop-up message, which is shown below, encouraging me to join their list and receive 10% off. I considered it attractive, and it was an incentive for me to buy the shows as I was getting a discount.

But then, in less than 10 minutes it appeared me a second pop-up message and I found it annoying since it was interrupting my search.

Mobile experience

The mobile experience was good too. The pictures, messages and pop-up messages looked well organized and neat. It was not overwhelming and provoked me to continue surfing the web

Overall, I liked the webpage, I found it user-centered and friendly, very easy to use and navigate! The webpage has a purpose which is to help you find the shoe that suits you best, and they are really helpful throughout the process. I consider that the webpage reflects the personality of the brand. The content was what liked most, it was inspiring and convincing.



Flavia Noriega
Marketing in the Age of Digital

MS of Science in Integrated Marketing Candidate at NYU. Passionate about branding and new products. *FoodLover *Yoga *Storyteller