How obsessed is too obsessed? — Monster Energy Edition

Vrushti Thaker
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readOct 30, 2022

My fascination or rather, my obsession with the brand Monster Energy does not seize to continue. I have now fan girl-ed over their Website and hyped their ‘The Grind’ campaign. But here I am, back to give you more information on Monster Energy. This time around it is to understand how they treat me digitally.

How obsessed will I be?

My loyalty to a brand is precious and I do not distribute my loyalty too generously, but for the sake of understanding a product whose marketing department I can appreciate, I will experiment.

And so, I signed up to their News Letter.

That’s how obsessed I will be. To sign up to their newsletter, I had to scroll all the way down to their landing page, which as a marketing person, I feel confused about. Would I not keep the option at a more noticeable location? Do they not need as much data as possible?

Setting expectation and boundaries

Before I dive into what I received and how I feel about my digital reception, let me establish what I like and do not like about receiving marketing emails.

  1. I do NOT like a brand (or a person) that is clingy.
  2. I like being told when my Wishlist products are on sale.
  3. I could MAYBE enjoy reading personal stories and experiences.
  4. I feel happy / excited when the brand tries to interact with me

How obsessed are they with me?

I signed in using the email ID that I use for subscriptions and noticed, all that changed on the screen was, their ‘Submit’ button changed to ‘Thank you’. There was no ‘Yippie” or no celebration. I will admit Step 2 was also an underwhelming experience. I will admit, I wanted a little more gratification than just that.

Hard to find and not clingy?

I maybe insecure now.

I said I don’t like clingy brands but this is a little too detached. So then I went and checked my inbox. And I received an email stating the below.

No information on the brand, no new experience. Nothing. Step 3, also a disappointment.


The option to opt out! An under rated option but a very important one in my opinion.

I do not feel cheated

They did ask for my email ID and they will use this channel to pus their products and events on me but I no longer have to feel suffocated by their attempts to do so and come out of this experience feeling a little more confident in the brand and believe that they respect my boundaries.

What should be their take away?


They could look at their competition. Red Bull is doing something good I found interesting. While singing up, they asked e to click on 3 of the 10 choices they have for the sports they sponsor. That made me feel like the brand cared about my interest and wanted to customize their data for me.


They could look at Lay’s to see how they make their sign up option look so catchy and creative and maybe incorporate these small things to make their email marketing experience better or offer an incentive to make your potential consumers sign up.

