How to create the perfect Digital Marketing strategy in 5 steps.

Maria Mathioudaki
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readApr 17, 2022

If Covid-19 taught us all something, it would be that we can all plan as much as we want to, but still, the most unexpected thing can happen, and you can lose control. One thing is for sure since Covid-19 occurred, we are not going back to how things used to look. And one thing we can do about this is to evaluate how everything is working right now so we can make a better decision for the new business environment created and how to troubleshoot these problems that most fields found in front of them when Covid-19 happened.

So how can we make a good environment assessment before planning our digital marketing strategies?

Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important. People are spending more time online, and marketing dollars are shifting in that direction. On the other hand, investing in your strategy is one of the most effective strategies to increase your digital return on investment. A well-thought-out plan cuts down on waste, focuses your efforts, and builds on what is currently working.

Let’s start walking through the five most important things you would want to know before creating a digital marketing strategy for your business.

  1. Analyzing and scrutinizing are the foundations of a solid approach. This offers you a good notion of where you’re starting from and how you compare to your competition and a better grasp of your target market. Knowing what your competition is doing is crucial since it helps you understand what is missing and what better you can provide to your audience. You have to know what others offer to the current audience and how consumers react to it.
Competitor analysis

2. Take a look at how you did. Begin by looking back on the previous year’s performance. Investigate the data to see what worked and what didn’t. This is the common know where you are standing right now. What are your strengths and weaknesses, what can you do better, and what can be done better.

Digital marketing performance analytics

3. Conduct a competitive analysis of your rivals in terms of digital marketing. Examine the digital presence of your competition. Because it’s all public, it’s easy to see what your rivals are up to in digital marketing. Get a free study of their approach using competitive research tools. Read blogs and articles about the current trends and analysis of how competition approaches social media and the digital world.

4. Learn as much as you can about your consumers. Facebook Audience Insights is a free service that allows you to learn more about your audience’s size, demographics, activities, and interests. Google Trends is another free tool for seeing what people search for and how their searches have changed. Taking leverage from all the insightful tools these organizations provide is one of the most important nowadays. Making decisions based on facts, statistics, data, and numbers is the epitome of making the right decision. Nothing should be considered if it’s based on instincts or personal opinions. Data is the new black!

5. Last but certainly not least, make a strategic plan. Create a clear strategy based on your goals and how you plan to attain them. The strategy framework will help you align your project by defining goals, strategies, objectives, and tactics. Goals should be defined as high-level objectives that you desire to attain. For example, it may increase sales by 10%, increase app downloads by 20%, or get 700 people to sign up for an event.

Digital marketing

Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won’t win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling.

Naveen Jain

In a nutshell…

The flexibility to pivot and modify is one of the things that makes digital marketing so effective. Especially after Covid-19, and all the problems it created, brands must find ways to be agile when building their digital strategies. You don’t have to make a rigid schedule and keep to it. For example, if an ad isn’t working, stop it and try something fresh. For example, running A/B comparison tests with alternative calls to action if your website isn’t converting visitors will help you change strategy instead of wasting money on something not working.

With digital marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in methods because you’re being sold new ideas or tools every week. Building a clear plan and staying focused are the keys to improving your performance. A laser-focused strategy means you understand exactly how each strategy component contributes to your goals and propels your company ahead.

Good luck!



Maria Mathioudaki
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A graduate student at New York University studying Integrated Marketing. Passionate about innovation, strategy, and digital marketing. Welcome to my thoughts!