So You Think You Know Web Design/UX…But Do You Really?

Here are 5 critical components

Ralph Alfieri
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readNov 18, 2023


Some History

1990 was the birth of UX and web design at the time was mostly focused on displaying information to internet users with hypertext markup language (HTML) rather than captivating people with resonating experiences. As web and software became more advanced, JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) enabled more interactive websites. The 2000s introduced mobile and responsive design and in the 2020s Voice and AI, which is where we are today.

UX Design is not Web Design

UX design focuses more on the overall experience. It involves thinking about the customer journey. For example, a great user experience can be had through video, but it’s not all about visuals. Website design deals more with the look of the content and the information on the internet. It may include page layout, content production, and graphic design. Before any design is made active, testing occurs for functionality. More testing might occur again before launch and release. This is UX Design- how all the branding components of website design allow for a pleasant user experience. Functionality + Performance. It is the marriage of how things look with how things work.

Building a solid foundation in these critical areas will prepare you for the challenges of web design/UX in the future.



Ralph Alfieri
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Graduate Student at New York University Integrated Marketing