Stand out from the content clutter with interactive content.

Emi Chew
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 24, 2022

It may be time to rethink your social media calendar.

Consumers possess the ability to recall certain specific events, and if you’re lucky enough, your ad can be very memorable for your target audience (if it’s done right or very wrong, like Burger King’s Twitter fiasco I talked about).

More than 1 billion videos get viewed each day on TikTok. So what makes yours stand out?

Like I always say, be fun. 😉

Have you ever taken a Buzzfeed quiz?

Thinking about how insanely popular the “What type of bread am I?” quiz from Buzzfeed still makes me laugh. From a marketing standpoint, leads can be obtained easily through quizzes, and it’s a smart way to amass page views and interactions.

Why were they so popular though?

It’s because most of them were based on one’s personality and people love to learn about themselves! This form of interactive content gives consumers a reason to stay on the page by providing something different and unique. Moreover, it brings people into your sales funnel.

Not only that, interactive content also increases your chances of going viral through word of mouth. When you deliver a satisfying, entertaining or educational experience, you may be able to win viewers’ loyalty and retain them as customers.

91% of B2B buyers actually prefer interactive content to passive content, making it no surprise that about 67% rely more on content to research and make purchasing decisions.

Interactive content is here to stay!

Interactive content doesn’t have to be that complicated.

Look at GT Living’s Foods website!

In terms of interaction, they provide choices for the user to look for flavor profiles that they might be interested in. There’s so much room for them to improve on!

Interactive? Yes. Fun? No.

By creating quizzes for users, such as “What type of kombucha am I?”, it provides a more personalised and enjoyable experience. This would also result in customers being more inclined to provide their information, enhancing the chances of them being qualified leads and potential conversions!

For their social media, their Instagram account shares the posts created by their customers every week on their Instagram story.

Happy Fan Friday with GT’s Kombucha!

This is an easy way of interacting with customers. Customers will feel important to the brand, and might even repost this on their own Instagram stories, creating more brand engagement.

This made me chuckle!

With social media, trends come and go faster than you can say “interactive content”. Thus, it is essential to keep up with the latest fads as a way of staying relevant and maintaining a fun relationship with your customers.

In conclusion, be engaging for a higher engagement rate!



Emi Chew
Marketing in the Age of Digital

25 year-old Malaysian marketing student in NYC creating somewhat entertaining content✨