The five most important things I should let my customers know — from marketers.

Zi Wang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readApr 22, 2023

I believe that every digital marketing practitioner is working together with me to meet the expectations of our clients. At the same time, we expect our clients to join us in truly understanding the appeal of marketing, which is what every marketer truly desires in their hearts. So here are five things I hope potential clients will understand when working with them:

1.Content is King
In 1996, Bill Gates wrote an essay that changed the course of digital marketing. Titled “Content is King,” he suggested most of the money generated on the internet would come from content, much like broadcasting.

According to a study of more than 11 million SERPs, the average word count for pages that rank on the first page of Google is 1,447 words.Content is one of the most effective ways to turn readers into leads, with companies that blog earning 67 percent more leads per month than brands that don’t.

As reported by HubSpot, video is a key aspect of 93 percent of companies’ marketing strategies. Podcasts are listened to by more than half of US consumers over the age of 12. Interactive content is 39% more likely than passive information to be recognized as “very effective” at educating purchasers.

Content has never lost its status, but only in expanding its reach, silently into more dimensions to better serve the marketing, so the focus on the quality of content should remain the focus.

2.Less is more
Millennials have taken over a sizable portion of the consumer market. It is anticipated that they will spend more than $10 trillion as a generation over their lifetimes. Companies must cater to their tech-centered, smart approaches to brand loyalty and engagement.

The consumer group is pursuing is through the simple platform to create and interactive process to complete the link with the deep relationship with consumers.

Eliminating confusing navigation
Streamlining the payment process
Offering modern payment options
Utilizing the marketplace or store features on social media
Ensuring easy access to all content
Prioritizing website security

3. Pay attention to the concept of ‘community’
More and more brands are paying attention to the creation of communities. For example, Starbucks and other brands have successfully used various means to bring people together and create a sense of community to achieve customer retention, whether in social media or offline stores.

Whereas marketing used to be focused on single sales and purchases, now marketing should be more focused on maintaining relationships with consumers. Therefore, no matter what kind of marketing means combination is used, we should have community awareness all the time, so as to better bring consumers together and become the source of growth power of the brand.

4、Crisis public relations awareness
Many brands and companies have not yet formed awareness of the prevention of brand crisis events, and still believe that this work should be done only after something has happened. In fact, before any marketing move occurs, the company or brand should consider whether the marketing strategy has potential crisis risks, which should be treated with caution, such as considering how to avoid most of the moments that could lead to a crisis when the marketing strategy is implemented? If a crisis occurs, are there clear guidelines for action to take? What is the worst possible outcome of a crisis? After considering these issues clearly, I believe that the implementation of marketing will also be more smooth

5、Be ‘friendly’ to new technology

Today AI, AR, Chatgpt, and other new technology platforms have undoubtedly had a great impact on our industry. Many marketers will think that there will be a negative impact on the industry, but in fact, it is not. The marketing field has always relied not on the accumulation of single data, but on connections with consumers, the purpose of which is to better serve consumers. So if technology can be used wisely and appropriately to streamline and optimize the process of service, then the new technology will provide assurance of the quality of marketing.

