To app, or not to app, that is the question

Andres F Rincon
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readOct 14, 2019

We live in a fast paced and ever-changing world — one where digital everything plays a huge part of our day-to-day lives. According to a recent Pew study, about 96% of Americans own a mobile device; and roughly one-in-five American adults are “smartphone-only” users. So, what does this mean for marketers in today’s day in age? Simply put, apps can skyrocket a brand’s visibility and increase business. However, there are hundreds of thousands of mobile apps out there, so what makes an app a successful one?

Given the stats above, the question of whether to have an app or not to have an app, appears to be a no-brainer! But it is also important to understand that an app has to serve a purpose. It has to successfully allow users to complete a task. And an app without a purpose that is poorly executed will simply not succeed in the marketplace.

I’ve been doing a lot of market research in the nutrition and supplements industry as of lately. Mainly, because I’ve been on the search for the best protein bar in the market and also because I’m consulting with a client that plays in the space. One of the things I recently learned is that most protein bar companies do not have an app.

The Protein Shoppe App

While I was initially surprised at this, it also makes a whole lot of sense. Would you download an app to your mobile device that allows you to order your favorite brand for protein bars? Is this app worth the real state on your phone? The answer is probably not. No matter how useful this app might be; realistically speaking an app for protein bars will most likely not increase sales nor will it serve a strong purpose for the user.

Consumers are constantly seeking for convenience and one-stop-shops. Meaning that if there is one app that can simplify their shopping experience in multiple categories, they will use it compared to an app the markets a single product or category. For example, an app that lists all their vitamins, supplements, protein bars and more, will get much more utilization than single apps for each of those categories.

I downloaded The Vitamin Shoppe app to explore its functionality and to see if it would make my experience a better one than going to the store itself. I must say that I was pleasantly satisfied with this app. I am basing my review on this app on three main categories: UI (User Interface), performance, and purpose.


The Vitamin Shoppe app has an intuitive user interface. The content is well organized and easy to navigate. The aesthetic design is not necessarily amazing, but it serves its purpose. Given that this is a centralized store for over 1,000 products from hundreds of brands, it’s hard to create much of a branding experience. Therefore, the design is basic but practical. It allows consumers to shop by category, by brand and by interest.


Fast loading time and high performance are on the top of my list when it comes to apps. To be honest, I had low expectations on The Vitamin Shoppe app given the number of brands and products they sell; but I was surprised to see that the app successfully loaded every page and the filter functionality was very fast. This definitely makes a big impact for user retention.


Did this app serve a purpose? Did it make my experience a better one than shopping at the store? It actually did! I’m always looking for convenience and practicality. This app allows me to shop for not only my favorite protein bar, but for all my health and fitness supplements all at once from anywhere, anytime. It also gave me access to exclusive offers and an awards point system. And lastly, it gave me the ability to scan to order, in case I ever come across something I like, I can simply scan it and it will search for the product!

Once I actually purchase something from The Vitamin Shoppe app, I’ll make sure to write an updated review on my experience. In the meantime, I’d love to hear what’s your favorite app to shop for supplements?

