My Opinions of Marketing over the Semester

Smit Pujara
Marketing Right Now
2 min readMay 10, 2021

As the semester comes to a close reflect on how your opinion of marketing has changed, altered or perhaps stayed the same? What challenges do you expect to incur in your career as a marketer?

As mentioned in my first ever blog for this class, I am very excited to learn more about Modern Day Marketing which is mostly digital! Now that I write my last blog for the class, I feel more confident about my Digital Marketing Knowledge. Throughout the semester we discussed various marketing technologies, online marketing techniques, read many case studies with stellar marketing strategies and our amazing professor shared her vast knowledge of modern day marketing with us.

All this knowledge from class has changed my opinion about many things in marketing. Here are some of my key takeaways from the class and what I think would be challenging for my marketing career:

Always back your claims with Data

For me, in 2020 data was just a big fancy word which I shied away from because it’s too “complex.” However, data is not just a word, data is the reason for doing what we marketers do! We live in a world where data can answer any of our questions and guide us make the right decision to grow our business. Data helps us make informed decisions, helps us understand our audience, and also shows us the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. Backing our claims with data makes it more accurate and effective and as marketers, it makes our job easy to sell our ideas.

Understanding “the Big Idea” Concept

I didn’t see any marketing campaigns as “the Big Idea”, it was just a marketing campaign. However, understanding the concept of “the Big Idea”, creating a marketing campaign seems easier than before. It is easier to create everything surrounding a one big idea instead of doing multiple campaigns for one goal. A big idea is a combination of three aspects: insights, brand connection and minimalist expression. Once a brand has these three elements together, makes a great Big Idea that is on brand and backed by insights and data.

How You Sell an Idea is Equally Important

As marketers it’s always important how you present your insights and ideas to your audience, it has a huge impact on the outcomes of your efforts. A great marketing campaign stirs interest in a product, but if it is packaged unattractively and customers don’t want it because of that, the presentation has failed. Behind every effective marketing presentation is a great message. A powerful marketing message makes the presentation easy, whereas a muddled, unclear or incorrect message makes developing the presentation difficult.

Some challenges I may face in my Career:

  1. Finding the right data to communicate my ideas
  2. Finding the perfect way to present my data
  3. Immense amount of competition

