Ethereum Marketing DAO December Update

Marketing DAO
Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2019

Marketing DAO is a group of individuals working to coordinate the presentation and growth of the Ethereum brand globally. In order to do that, our group has identified the following projects to get started:

  1. Build a World-Class Brand for Ethereum
  2. Deeply Know Our Audience
  3. Develop a Strong Physical Presence — Ground Game

As we build up the resources to support these projects, we have been working on building a strong foundation for the governance of the DAO. For us, being a DAO means that we are democratic, efficient, and open. In the spirit of transparency and community engagement, we would like to provide a snapshot of Marketing DAO’s recent activity.

We are striving to innovate and set best practices in the DAO space, while facilitating decentralized marketing activity for Ethereum. We have formed working groups to answer some of the biggest questions that exist for DAOs now, and figure out how to answer them within our context. Each group has been actively discussing and proposing foundational documents, frameworks, and processes. Some of our working groups include:

Governance Working Group

Currently finalizing governance proposals including number and scope of elected positions, voting shares associated with each, term length and limits. Determined that an election commission was required to run the election process, so the election commission was formed.

A DAO structure offers the opportunity to innovate on a truly democratic and flat organizational structure. Our group thought it appropriate to formally designate responsible parties for all of the different verticals the group is working on. This will enable us to be well organized while still highly collaborative. To that end, the DAO held an off-chain election to formally designate responsible parties. This election will be ratified by an on-chain vote in January. We will add these roles as well as working group members to our website in the coming days.

Membership and Onboarding Working Group

This group has been tasked with creating member onboarding pathways, evaluating interested members, and facilitating new membership proposals. We continue to discuss Member onboarding pathways (funders, ETH staking members, work staking members, non-members). We also discussed and created a draft evaluation framework for new members.

We plan to start onboarding funders and reviewing proposals in January 2020. Onboarding will commence with a large initial wave of membership proposals.

Funding Working Group

This group has been tasked with approaching and meeting with potential funders. We are currently approaching major funding partners to ensure the DAO has adequate resources and representation from major Ethereum stakeholders. This is to ensure the DAO is in the optimal position to carry out actions once we move to accepting marketing proposals. Ongoing.

Communications Working Group

Exploring potential communication channels to facilitate longer term discussion other than Telegram. Currently message traffic is manageable through Telegram, though once proposals start hitting the DAO, another focused discussion medium may be considered. Currently administrating, maintaining, and welcoming members to public-facing chat channels.

Compliance Working Group

The compliance working group was formed to seek out answers with regard to reporting requirements and legal protection for members. There will be much more detail from this group in the near future.

Proposals Process Working Group

This group has been developing the principles, practices, and processes required to allow us to communicate the marketing needs/projects that we’d like to deliver on, how we vote on them, and how we fund them.

What’s Going on Behind the Scenes?

Our sights are set high — we are organizing a high caliber organization that will simplify understanding and uses for funders and members who are interested in submitting projects and proposals that align with our marketing mission. To set us on the right track, we are working with OpenLaw to break new ground in creating a fully compliant DAO structure. By taking the time to consult with experts in this niche field, we are helping to pioneer a framework that future DAOs can use and learn from to support the Ethereum ecosystem. We are working to ensure that Marketing DAO has the proper foundation to flourish and support the Ethereum space.

Thank you for continuing to keep in touch and following our progress. Marketing DAO will start onboarding members and evaluating proposals in January 2020. We expect to be active and operating on-chain early in the New Year!

If you are interested in helping with one of the working groups, send us a message in our telegram. If you want to stay up to date, please get in touch on any of our channels:

Marketing DAO Social Channel Metrics:

Over 1,000 members following on Twitter

Over 350 members in the Telegram Supporters group



Marketing DAO

Growing Ethereum as a brand. Doing it the Ethereum way.