Go to Marketplace by APM
Marketplace by APM
Where Marketplace reporters share reflections from the field. Explore more of their work at www.marketplace.org.
Note from the editor

Where Marketplace reporters share reflections from the field. Explore more of their work at www.marketplace.org.

Go to the profile of Nishat Kurwa
Nishat Kurwa
Find me at tinyletter.com/talkstory.
Go to the profile of Donna Tam
Donna Tam
@marketplace digital editor. Former reporter for @CNET and @eurekaTS. @sfstatejdept grad. Hella missing the SF fog but LA life is nice too
Go to the profile of Tony Wagner
Tony Wagner
Digital at @Marketplace. Formerly @wits and @MNDailyNews. One half @8thGradeDance. Opinions are mine.
Go to the profile of Sarah Menendez
Sarah Menendez
I do digital things for radio. Daughter of Southern California. Trying to find my words again.
Go to the profile of Marketplace
Business news for the rest of us | Marketplace.org
Go to the profile of Andy Uhler
Andy Uhler
Reporter @Marketplace. Based in Los Angeles, but remains a Texan. Interested in water policy and energy & environment issues. More at http://marketplace.org
Go to the profile of Sarah Gardner
Sarah Gardner
Public radio reporter/producer @Marketplace #sustainability #water #energy #environment
Go to the profile of Justin Ho
Go to the profile of Lizzie O'Leary
Lizzie O'Leary
aspiring hildy johnson.
Go to the profile of Jennie Josephson
Jennie Josephson
Writes to eat.
Go to the profile of Andrea Seabrook
Andrea Seabrook
Managing Editor, Countable. Long time NPR Host & Correspondent. Founder, DecodeDC. Journalism + civic tech = the future.