Welcome to your brilliance journey

Martin Adams
Martin’s Notebook
1 min readNov 19, 2017
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

You are here because you want something that you simply cannot get by doing the normal actions in life. You have this light inside you that keeps wondering, what-if, and that you are somehow different to everyone else. The difference between brilliant people and regular people, is that brilliant people act on their passions and regular people talk about their passions.

At Bebril, we want to ignite that fire inside of you so you can take action and get what you truly want. When you have a mindset of brilliance you start to see the world a little differently. You see it with excitement, opportunity and confidence. You will surround yourself with brilliant people and will want to inspire others along the way.

Welcome to your brilliance journey.

Next chapter: So you want something different to what you have

Bebril is run by myself, Martin Adams. It is a publication to guide you to be brilliant, but it also gives me first hand insight so I can create a social platform to allow anyone to share their brilliance journeys and become brilliant.

