Welcome to the Math Circular!

The Magazine for Math Circles

Math Circle Network
Math Circular
2 min readJul 15, 2021


In this issue:

The Math Circle Network is proud to bring you the first issue of the Math Circular, a magazine for leaders and members of Math Circles and other math engagement programs.

Math Circles are communities focused on the enjoyment of mathematical problem solving. Meetings are lively, interactive, and often “funstrating”: challenging, but in a highly rewarding way!

Math Circles can take many forms, including after-school programs for students, professional learning communities for teachers and mathematicians, or groups of parents or families who want to become more involved with mathematics education. There are nearly 300 Math Circles around the U.S., including approximately 150 Math Teacher Circles and another 150 Math Student Circles. (Check out our map to see if there’s one near you, or contact us to learn how to start your own!)

At the Math Circle Network, we believe that Math Circles are powerful bridges among K-12 schools, higher education institutions, out-of-school programs, and families. We provide free resources — like the Math Circular! — for all Math Circles, with a special focus on supporting Math Circles that reach underrepresented or underserved students and their teachers. We hope you enjoy our magazine and look forward to hearing from you!


The Math Circle Network (circles@aimath.org)

P.S. Interested in writing for us? Please check out our Submissions page.

