letsGO — A go-to framework for RESTful API

Sabyasachi Patra
Math & Cody
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2019
KEEP CALM and letsgo

We are proud to announce that we have published letsgo-1.0.0-beta.0. So let’s get straight into it.

What is letsgo?

letsgo is a RESTful api framework made with Go, having most of the groundwork, i.e. database connection ( for now supports mongodb only ), authentication, websocket, graphql etc. implemented out of the box.


It is made with Go, so basically the primary ingredient is “Go”. Other than that it uses the following


Full documentation can be found here : https://letsgo-framework.github.io/.

Setting up Go

There are many tutorials on how to install go, I’m listing few of them below

Setting up letsgo

To get started with letsgo follow the following steps

  • go get letsgo-cli
go get github.com/letsgo-framework/letsgo-cli
  • Create a new project
letsgo-cli init github.com myapp

Generates a new project called myapp in your GOPATH inside github.com and installs the default plugins through the glide.

  • Run server
go run main.go
  • Visit http://localhost:8080/api/v1 on your browser or postman. If everything went well you should see the following
"greet": "Welcome to letsGo",
"link_to_doc": "https://letsgo-framework.github.io/",
"github": "https://github.com/letsgo-framework/letsgo",
"examples": "Link To examples"

Congratulation!! You have successfully walked your first baby steps with letsgo.

We need all your support and love to keep this project going. There will be lot of examples and new features in future posts. Spread the word and get your hands dirty trying letsgo.

