The Winter Weird

A call for pitches!

Alana Hope Levinson
2 min readJan 6, 2016


Many magazines have their “Winter Fiction Issue.” Matter doesn’t do things like most magazines, so instead, we’re going to have “Winter Weird.” We’re making a call for original, non-traditional work that experiments with form.

Unlike our themed issues of the past, the topic of your story doesn’t matter. What does is how it is presented. No reported features, no personal essays, no takes. We want memes, gifs, videos, visual poetry, a choose-your-own-adventure story. We want experiments with Medium features like responses, highlights, @mentions and Letters. Winter Weird will be filled with work we have no name for yet; ideas that couldn’t go anywhere else.

This is a great opportunity for people who don’t identify as “writers” to work with us: artists, designers, photographers, illustrators, internet freaks. It’s also a chance for “writers” to go outside their comfort zone by trying something different.

We’re open to pitches now, for ideas you would work on in collaboration with me and Matter.

Pitch guidelines

  1. Write up a paragraph or two as a Medium post and publish it as unlisted. Feel free to show us just how weird you can get.
  2. After publishing your post, please email the link to with a short bio and links to past work included.
  3. All pitches should be submitted by Wednesday, January 13th.

Don’t get what we are talking about? Here are some things already on Medium, and inside Matter, that fit the bill:

