1 Million Registered Users

Jeffrey Bunn
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2018

I still remember the early days of Mealime, when a single new sign-up would fill me with excitement. Every couple of days someone would find us and register to see what Mealime was all about. Getting a new user notification on my phone always gave me a thrill.

In the years since our very first user found us and tried out our product (which consisted of only a weekly email!), we’ve changed nearly everything about Mealime. We worked to add customization options, wrote and tested hundreds of recipes, slashed our prices and gave away most of the product for free, and embraced a mobile-first strategy and released apps on iOS and Android.

Today, we’re feeling a different kind of excitement. Since our very first user gave Mealime a try, another million have signed up to try it out themselves. A million! This is an incredible milestone for our small team (Maria, Mitch, and myself), and we’re overwhelmingly filled with gratitude.

We’re grateful to every single person that has opted to give Mealime a try over these past 5 years. We’re grateful for the wonderful feedback we’ve received, the infectious excitement and stories of success our users regularly share with us, the referrals and word-of-mouth that has allowed us to grow, and the financial support from our paid subscribers that has allowed us to continue working on Mealime.

It’s been a journey filled with ups and downs, successes and mistakes, and a dash (or pound) of luck. But it’s one that we’re proud and grateful to be a part of.

To our free users, our paid subscribers, and to everyone that has given Mealime a try — thank you.

