How Mecha Elements Function and Vital Clues to Balance Them

Mech Master editor
Mech Master
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2021

In the previous article, we revealed some information about Mecha stats. After the Game Market launch in the last few days, we know you are all eager to read more about Mecha’s detailed specifications. Questions such as “What role does this element play?”, “Why do all Mechas I’ve just unboxed have totally 236 points?”, or “How much does this element stack up to Mecha’s overall stat?” might pop into your head. This piece of writing will feature Mecha elements, helping you answer all the tricky questions about the fighting machines you are holding.

Element overview

To start familiarizing yourselves with elements, our talented Masters of Mechas could take notice about the major points as belows:

  • There are 8 elements in total: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Air, Water, Light, and Dark. Each of them is illustrated with an icon in the upper right corner of a Mecha in the Game Market.
  • Elements exclusively connect with Mechas and their body parts.
  • Pilots and weapons do not have their own elements.
  • Each Mecha body part carries a random element. The element that makes up the majority of body parts will determine the overall element of the Mecha. Hence, each Mecha is fixed with a certain element which cannot be changed.
  • There will not be Mechas with two equal major elements (such as 3–3, 2–2–2, or 1–1–1–1–1–1).
Elements are displayed in the upper right corner of each Mecha.

Element correlation

To keep the explanation at ease, the following infographic will show 2 note-worthy points in the interrelationship among Mecha elements.

Firstly, each element in the outer ring deals 15% more damage to the element that it counters. For example, the factor “Fire” in a Fire Mecha boosts 15% its attack damage against an Ice Mecha, and the Ice Mecha can have the same impact on an Earth Mecha, but not the other way around.

Secondly, very much alike to how the elements in the outer ring affect one another, Mechas whose elements are Light and Dark can hit their counterparts 15% harder. However, this pair of elements can only influence each other without affecting the rest.

The correlation among elements.

Mecha stats in line with elements

Each element charges up a certain number of points to the Mecha body part strength and always totals 6.

For example, if a Legion has a Fire head, the “Fire” factor tacks 3 additional points on attack, 2 points on speed, and 1 point on mobility, for a total of 6 points. If that Legion also has a Fire core, that “Fire” adds 3 points to attack, 2 points to speed, and 1 point to mobility, for a total of 6 more. Likewise, if Legion’s core owns the Ice element, the “Ice” factor stacks up 2 points to defense, 1 point to energy, and 3 points to durability.

The amount of points that elements add up to specific Mecha stats.

Since a Mecha is made up of 6 main body parts, the total points that the Mecha gains from the body part elements is always (6*6=) 36 points. As a result, Mecha’s base stat (200 points) plus element stat (36 points) keeps Mecha at least 236 points initially.

The maximal Mecha stats following elements

As mentioned, Mecha’s body part elements are randomly assigned. This induces a couple of special occurrences when all Mecha’s body parts belong to the same element. In that case, we have a max stat table as follows, with an example of a Legion, given the fact that a Legion possesses 25 points attack, 45 points defense, 40 points energy, 25 points speed, 30 points mobility, and 35 points durability already:

Example of Legion’s stats if it is made up of 1 element only.

The table shows that Earth Legion having 6 Earth body parts is the Mecha with the strongest build-in defense. You can easily spot that its initial defense volume is 45 points, plus 6 times 3 points Earth element from its body parts, equalling 63 points — the highest possible stat points of all original Mechas. Thus, Earth Legion is a very strong one at defense.

We believe that the information provided keeps you knowledgeable about our magnificent Mechas as well as how to effectively deploy them in battlefields. The next article in this Mecha series will be an introduction to Mecha equipment, getting you well prepared for the up-coming game launch. Stay tuned and hunt more Mechas!

About Mech Master

Mech Master is a first-ever 3D Mecha NFT game, with both AR and VR technologies implemented. You can become part of the Mech Master Metaverse AR by owning a 3D Model of a Mecha, which you can show off by taking photos with your Mecha everywhere. You can even bring all the intense battles from Mech Master to the real world and experience all the magic of the 3D world right in front of your very eyes. Last but not least, in future updates you can also join the battles from the Mecha’s perspective, or cruise along the fierce battlefield of all your giant robots in VR.

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