Mecha Anatomy — from Mystery Boxes to Supreme Mechas

Mech Master editor
Mech Master
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2021
What makes a Mecha?

In the first article of this trilogy, we provided a broad overview of Mecha — the fighting machine starring in Mech Master’s battles. This second one will cover some detailed information about Mecha anatomy, assisting players in obtaining more Mecha’s specifications and preparing for the game launch.

This article consists of 2 major parts: Classifications and Stats, and Stats variables. Let’s dive in!

The Mystery Box is an NFT-minted item delivered by the Mech Master team through transactions with players. Each box accommodates a complete Mecha assembled from 6 body parts (Head, Core, Torso, Arm, Leg, and Miscellaneous; with Energy, Durability, Defense, Attack, Mobility, and Speed as their relative correspondence). These body parts are randomly delivered within the system and come with various stats. The sum of stat value of body parts decides the overall stat of a Mecha.

The body parts that contribute to a Mecha.

Classifications and Stats

Head — Energy

Mechas are one of the most determined fighting machines ever existing in the whole galaxy. Indeed, their heads are programmed to command their bodies to fight for the noble cause — save the world, never surrender. Hence, their heads are the storage of all the energy needed. In the Mecha world, energy is the source of power that enables Mechas to use their state-of-the-art equipment. The redundant value will be converted into an energy shield that buffs their resistance during the fights if energy is overloaded.

Mechas’ heads store their energy.

Core — Durability

The core part is another fundamental factor of a great Mecha. It is comparable to the heart of a human being. Core gives us information about how much longer a Mecha can hold on before being considered destroyed. The official in-game term for this stat is durability. Similar to the well-being of a human, durability sets a certain amount of strength to see if Mechas can survive and make it against enemies till the end or not.

Mechas’ core generates their durability.

Torso — Defense

Possessing the most extraordinary skills and abilities, Mechas can still be more vigorous thanks to being backed by their torsos. Torso tells us the defense capability of the holy machines against foes. Stamina and shields, in general, are very much alike to the extent of safeguarding Mechas’ survival. Undoubtedly, the stronger a Mecha is, the higher limit its endurance can reach.

Mechas’ torsos preserve their defense capability.

Arm — Attack

Along with defense capability, attacking effectiveness rooted from Mechas’ arms also reckons up their total staying power. The upper branches of these apparatuses carry weapons such as guns and cannons to terminate the opposing party. The stronger arms they acquire, the quicker they can put an end to their rival’s presence.

Mechas’ arms are in charge of their attacking effectiveness.

Leg — Mobility

Mecha legs represent their mobility. It’s straightforward that legs are the foundation of portability, especially mammal-like creatures. Each quick and steady step helps them get higher chances of dodging their rivals’ attacks successfully. As a result, the flexible legs of Mechas will benefit the dominance over their opponents.

Mechas’ legs induce their mobility.

Mics — Speed

Mechas’ speed is directly affected by miscellaneous body parts, including wings, shoulders, and feet, simulating the flexible utilization of the gravity and wind force in real life. The diversity in these machine fractions facilitates the mechanical beast’s customization to the most optimal; hence, chances are it prompts the right to attack first when coping with enemies on the battlefield.

Miscellaneous parts make up Mechas’ speed.

Mecha stat variables

We discussed the anatomy and function of Mechas’ bodily parts. Which factors, therefore, influence their strength?

At the moment, body component stats are derived from two characteristics: race and rarity. Each Mecha race has a limited amount of body parts to which they may connect. When combined with the respective race, these pieces increase Mecha’s overall stat value. Additionally, bodily parts with a lesser presence rate provide the Mecha host with a better stat value. Although the stat value will not be set, it will be generated randomly from common to legend.

Creating an all-star Mecha team requires consideration of four factors. Players must collect six pieces to assemble a mecha and switch one of them with another throughout the Mecha assembly process. In another way, each personalized portion is the same size as a single human body part. Only Mechas created by players may be customized. It is impossible to construct and personalize the ones made by the system. Finally, customized parts do not affect a Mecha’s stats and are simply there for decorative purposes.

The amazing things that Mechas can do include customizing them and expanding them using two different methods. To begin with, each Mecha has four additional parts slots. Two, extra parts (often referred to as spare parts) aid in boosting the stats of mechas. Shortly, we’ll have updated details on customizable and optional components.

According to the information provided, we hope that global players can now start to familiarize themselves with their characters and truly become what the name implies: Masters of Mechas.

In the last part of this series, we will thoroughly discuss Mecha’s stats. Stay tuned for the good piece!

About Mech Master

Mech Master is the first-ever complex 3D rendering character in a Blockchain game and the only Mecha NFT. Mech Master provides players with stunning and brilliant graphics and the one-of-a-kind experience to coexist with their Mechas with Augmented Reality technology.

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