[ANN] The winner of MediWish event is here!

Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2018

Greetings from MediBloc team!

Remember MediWish event from a few weeks ago? Well, we had the pleasure of meeting the winner of the event in person!

Sungsoon Chung, the winner of MediWish event

Sungsoon Chung, a 23-year-old college student from Korea, speaks about his wish written on MediBloc testnet and how he is glad to be the winner of MediWish.

“I’ve been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease since 2014, shortly after the college scholastic ability test.”

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation of the digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and malnutrition. It is common for patients to receive a definite diagnosis after suffering from the disease for a long period of time as the symptoms are similar to that of enteritis or gastritis.

Sungsoon has been writing journals about his conditions, as part of his research, to help others who are going through the same difficulties or who may not know about their potential disease. When he first found out about MediBloc, Sungsoon couldn’t agree more with the team’s vision and has been looking forward to the new health data ecosystem ever since.

“I become instantly intrigued by anything related to medicine. Earlier this year when I first heard about MediBloc, I was highly interested as I’m a patient myself who has to go through repeated medical examinations every time I visit a different hospital. A patient-centric platform where I can freely manage my own medical records is much needed.”

For several years, Sungsoon had to visit multiple doctors with enteritis symptoms only to hear that the doctors couldn’t find a clear reason for his conditions. The most difficult part for Sungsoon was the repeated blood tests, colonoscopy, sonogram, and others that he had to go through every time he went to a different clinic.

“I can’t help but wonder if it would have been different for me if I had MediBloc at the time where I could access a complete indexed history of all my medical records.”

After spending significant time and money on trying different hospitals, he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at a major medical institution. At the time of diagnosis, Sungsoon’s symptoms were critical and he was devastated by the idea of not being able to participate as much as he would like in college or any type of social context.

“When the disease aggravated, I had to go to the washroom numerous times a day. I couldn’t eat what I wanted, and the idea of eating something became terrifying to me as I got sick immediately after. Making friends in college was a challenge. But the most heartbreaking part was having to see my very concerned mother.”

As of now, there is no cure for Crohn’s disease and the only available option for patients diagnosed with the disease is to get injections to alleviate the pain. Unfortunately for Sungsoon, these injections don’t have any effect on him, and he is now participating in a clinical experiment for developing new injections.

Dr. Wookyun Kho, CEO and co-founder of MediBloc(left)/ Sungsoon Chung, the winner of MediWish event(right)

“I truly believe a patient-centric platform like MediBloc can contribute to making medical breakthroughs as researchers and health care providers can have access to high-quality patient data and clinical research data to further their studies on diseases like mine and find the root cause.”

To fulfill Sungsoon’s wish written on MediBloc testnet, our team has decided to support Sungsoon’s treatment with 6 months-worth treatment costs. We sincerely wish this helps him get through his difficult journey of overcoming Crohn’s disease.

Please show your support for Sungsoon’s journey and his new clinical research in comments below!

Stay tuned as we continue to improve and innovate the healthcare industry!

👉🏻MediBloc Official Website: https://medibloc.org
👉🏻MediBloc Official Telegram (ENG): https://t.me/mediblocannouncement

MediBloc is a team of medical professionals, data architects and blockchain experts. Both founders are computer scientists, but prior to establishing the team, they had worked in the medical industry as a certified physician and dental surgeon. As a team, MediBloc aims to tackle the problems entrenched in the PHR market and return the ownership of personal health information to individual patients using blockchain technology.

