I can’t meditate because…

C Ledger
Mindful stuff.
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2015


I originally published a version of this on our site as a “daily musing.”

There are many reasons people give for not being able to meditate. The most common include:

  • My mind is too busy.
  • I can’t sit still.
  • I can’t focus (I have problems concentrating).
  • I have ADHD (or anxiety, or another condition).

But, saying you can’t meditate because of these reasons is like saying you can’t exercise and eat healthy because you are out of shape and overweight.

You need to exercise and eat healthy because you are out of shape and overweight.

Likewise, you need to meditate (and practice mindfulness) because your mind is busy, because you can’t sit still, because you can’t focus, because you have ADHD.

We all get caught up in our minds. As Tolle says,

“The human condition is lost in thought.”

Tackling this issue can be a scary prospect. There’s a certain amount of comfort in the status quo, and a certain amount of fear when it comes to change — even if that change will substantially improve our happiness, health, and well-being.

We often build our identity around the problems we face. There is a fear — whether conscious or unconscious — that if we address these problems, we will lose who we are. This fear leads to indifference, procrastination, excuses, and inaction.

The good news is, these thoughts and emotions are like any other: temporary. You don’t have to get hooked on them, and you don’t have to follow them. They don’t need to affect your ability to do what you know you should do.

Notice it all as it arises — the discomfort, the belief that “I’m different and it won’t work for me.” And when you notice it, simply move your attention away and back to your anchor if you are meditating, or the present moment if you are going through your day being mindful.

Ironically, the first act of mindfulness and meditation is often becoming aware of the thoughts and emotions that keep us from doing it.

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