Vulture Capitalists v Commoners on the Medium commons

Keith Parkins
Medium Collection
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2017


Robin Hood Tales /

A closed number of American-based publications on Medium are currently offered subscription to their own writers and readers. — Renée S

Without money I might be impoverished, but a life without literature and art, I am destitute. — Renée S

I’ll take Sherwood Forest and its banditry purpose of living a useful life: You’re invited. — Renée S

On one side the Vulture Capitalists, the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and his cohort of Barons, on the other side the Commoners who are being kicked off the Medium commons. In the middle the King, Ev Williams.

Greedy publishers have leapt at the chance of building their empires on stolen land.

The peasants are revolting.

A few of the peasants have been temped to take silver from the Sheriff, but first they have to pay to access the commons to discuss terms with the Sheriff, with no guarantee of their thirty pieces of silver being paid.

What the Vulture Capitalists have failed to comprehend, driven as they are by greed, the commoners are the common, without the commoners there will be no Medium commons.

In conversation with myself, writers who enjoyed writing for Medium, quite happy to write for free, now do so with a bad taste in the mouth, are now looking elsewhere, they are not willing to write for free to benefit greedy Vulture Capitalists, and absolutely no way are they going to pay an access fee to enter the common to share the produce of their fellow commoners.

Others who have been in contact, are looking at establishing a p2p open source open coop platform, somewhere the commoners will feel welcome, not exploited.

Once again thanks to all our fellow commoners, to name but a few, Renée S, Robert Cormack, Michael Haupt, DHH, Keith Parkins, Jeffrey Field, Vanessa Praça-Correa, White Feather, Shahzeb Akhter, Michael Ramsburg, Kathleen Clarke Anderson, Kyle Argento Luvumn Anna Breslin Adam MaldonadoWendi Adair ePeak Giulia Blasi Saul Juan Antonio Cuautle Srinath Paul ReneyStephen M. Tomic Iogo Chirola Peter David Montgomery David Smooke Mike Essig Cristian Randieri, Phd Zac Chapepa north boy, Nichole, Elliot Nichols, John Beck Jan Friman, Jessica Semaan, Bruce Kunkel, Jason Stelzner, Karl Milfburn, S Lynn Knight, Angiest In Seattle, Nenad Maljković, Betty Lim, Shelby Astin, Matthew Deyn for engaging, showing support and mutual concern at the enclosure of the Medium commons.

And no, I still do not know why some are in green and some are not.



Keith Parkins
Medium Collection

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.