A creative collaboration between Tyler Knott Gregson, Medium and Litographs.

– Poet Tyler Knott Gregson asks you to –

6 min readMar 3, 2016

Find Miracles in the Mundane

Are you a creative soul? Does the challenge of recognizing the beauty in everyday life excite you? If so, read on to learn about how you can take part in this month’s exciting Medium prompt and win one of Tyler Knott Gregson’s signed Litographs.

If you haven’t heard of Buddhist photographer and poet Tyler Knott Gregson, you’ve probably seen his work shared online. With over half a million tumblr followers and now a bestselling author, he is the equivalent of a literary unicorn — a best-selling, viral poet.

Enter Tyler Knott Gregson:

“When I began this journey of trying to write an original haiku, every single day, I never intended on making it this far; I never intended on keeping that promise to myself. I wanted to use haiku, and the daily creation of them, as a way to pay closer attention to what I believe to be the most dominant and vital element we have.”

“Doing this for a month was a challenge, to come up with something new each day. Doing it for half a year was even more difficult… doing it for over six years is something I could have never imagined, and the effect it’s had on me is the biggest surprise of all.”

“In short, it changed my life, and it changed absolutely everything about the way I see the world. I’ve come to see that all my poems share a common thread.”

“I’ve partnered with Litographs and Medium to invite you to do the same. Join me for 30 days to find the beauty in the commonplace and search for the everyday #miracleinthemundane”




– Creating Art entirely from Text –

Here at Litographs our talented illustrators worked with Tyler to create a beautiful design inspired by the poems from his book ‘Chasers of the Light’. Then we printed the words of his book in the shape of the design. We’re so thrilled with how the design turned out!

A t-shirt made entirely from Chasers of the Light text

You can find Tyler’s t-shirts, posters and tote-bags using the link below (it might just be the best looking poem collection you’ve ever worn)

psst… save 10% with code ‘MIRACLE’


– And win a signed poster –

Our everyday experience is framed by our own attention and perceptions. We can get so caught up in being productive that we rarely take the time to notice and appreciate the world around us.

Our challenge to you is to be a careful observer of everyday life. Start from the premise that everything has the potential to be fascinating. The world is full of astonishing beauty and wonder if you open your eyes to it.

Ready? Take these steps to enter:

  • Notice something that feels like a miniature miracle to you. This could be anything from flowers peaking through a snow cover to the way a loved one crinkles her nose when she reads. Find the beauty that’s been overlooked in your life.
  • Write it down or take a photo. This might be pencil scribblings, a handwritten haiku, or spontaneous self-expression. You might photograph your words (perhaps they were on the back of a receipt or hidden away inside a coffee cup).
  • Share to Instagram or Medium using #miracleinthemundane and tag both @Litographs and @TylerKnott (perhaps dedicate it to someone and tag them too). You can enter as many times as you like during the next 30 days (don’t forget to use #miracleinthemundane and tag both Litographs and Tyler Knott so that we can find your posts!).


– Six ideas from Tyler


“Magic is everywhere. Go looking.”



“There are always new ways to see the world, always new ways to reflect. Look closer at the world around you, open your eyes wide, there is so much more to see.”



“You flatter me too much little fortune cookie. Feels odd to receive a compliment the very moment before you eat the thing leaving you such sweet notes.”



“In a past life I firmly believe I was a Disney princess that could speak to all animals. I understood their whistles and clicks and growls and howls, and they understood me, singing or speaking. I think that sometimes that past me bleeds through and they still can. I am wildly in love with every living thing on this planet, and will never stop being overwhelmingly excited when I see any reminder of their existence.”



“If they can love, judge-less and open, compassionate and simple hearted, can we, too? If they can give every drop of affection and face all days with joy and reckless abandon, why not we? We began as more than all this, pure in infant ways, free from the chains of cynicism and callousness. We began full, soaked sponges, saturated with kindness and light; we cannot let the hand wringing and tight squeezing of life weary hands empty us. We cannot dry up.”



“I see them now, grown and large in the largest ways, and I cannot understand how they came from this. How they sprouted tall and wide from such tiny seeds. I see the grey and white around their eyes and can trace the years that have passed, but I still see the sparkle inside them. While all else has begun to fade and wear, they have never lost that joy. Neither have I. Nor will we ever.”



It’s time to share your “Miracle in the Mundane”… simply post to Instagram with #miracleinthemundane or start writing your response below!

Submissions are now closed. Congratulations to our winners!

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Books on t-shirts, posters, tote bags, scarves & more!