Go to #medtalksufu in English
#medtalksufu in English
Original content from MED Talks UFU on the intersection of medicine and humanities. A shot aimed at stimulating the use of English among higher education students from Brazil.
Note from the editor

Original content from MED Talks UFU on the intersection of medicine and humanities. A shot aimed at stimulating the use of English among higher education students from Brazil.

Go to the profile of MED Talks
MED Talks
O aluno no centro do palco. instagram.com/medtalksufu/
Go to the profile of MED Talks
MED Talks
O aluno no centro do palco. instagram.com/medtalksufu/
Go to the profile of Nícolas Teixeira Cabral
Nícolas Teixeira Cabral
medicina + educação + poesia | nicolasteixeiracabral.com