Introducing the Meeds Engagement Score

Patrice Lamarque
Meeds DAO
Published in
6 min readApr 2, 2024


The concept of community has never been more central to our online interactions. Communities provide a space for shared interests, collaborative work, and meaningful connections.

However, when deciding which community to engage with, the challenge has often been discerning, at first glance, which communities are genuinely engaging and worthy of our time and effort.

Meeds has just taken a significant step in its development by launching its Engagement Score solution online. We designed this unique feature to provide clear information on the health and dynamism of online communities.

Let’s explore the importance of engagement scoring, its meaning, and its broader implications for community engagement and growth. In a future article, we will explore in more detail how we compute the Engagement Score decentralized and use it to sponsor communities.

Understanding The Engagement Score

The Engagement Score is a new metric developed by Meeds to assess a community’s ability to foster meaningful engagement among its members.

Unlike traditional metrics focusing on surface-level activity, the Engagement Score goes deeper, assessing the quality and impact of interactions within a community.

Engagement Score of Meeds Builders’ Hub

Based on rewarded activities performed by members, the calculation considers fairness in distributing these rewards. Composing the score with various factors ensures that it reflects activity and meaningful engagement that benefits the community members.

The Mechanics of Measurement

How exactly is the Engagement Score calculated? At its core, the score is derived from a combination of activities within a community: every post, comment, and interaction contributes to it, as do all micro-actions captured in integrated systems such as GitHub, Twitter, or Crowdin, as well as any manually declared and verified incentives offered to the community.

However, Meeds goes further by incorporating aspects such as the community’s ability to reward a large proportion of its participating members and fairly distribute rewards to its members.

Weekly Automated Reports

At Meeds, we believe a community should be a place where all contributions are recognized and valued.

The core protocol of the World of Meeds (WoM) recomputes the engagement score of all active communities weekly to reflect their dynamic nature. Changes in activity, member engagement, and reward distribution can all influence the score, ensuring that it remains a current and accurate reflection of a community’s vibrancy.

The Role of Blockchain Technology

A vital aspect of the Engagement Score’s reliability is its foundation in blockchain technology which not only ensures transparency and security in score calculation but also adds an element of irrefutability.

Whenever a community Hub sends rewards to its participants, it automatically logs a report on-chain through the WoM protocol, making it fully observable and verifiable. The so-called User Engagement Minting (UEM) component reads these reports weekly to compute engagement scores for each Hub.

Hub Report Stored On-chain

Everything happens on-chain and is entirely auditable. Our commitment to transparency is total. We even publish detailed calculations for those willing to dig into the numbers.

Engagement Score Calculation Details

In short, when you see an engagement score on, you can trust its accuracy because it is backed by the blockchain’s decentralized and immutable ledger.

The Mintium Model

But we go further than publicly displaying scores. In fact, the Engagement Score powers our “Mintium” model. This model allows communities to use Meeds for free and be paid based on their engagement levels.

Every week, the WoM protocol allocates a lump sum of MEED tokens to the User Engagement Minting algorithm that distributes it to communities pro-rata their engagement score. Hub leaders can then claim the Mintium rewards and add them to their reward pool.

Communities earn MEED based on their Engagement Score

Better than the Freemium model, the Mintium model allows new communities to engage and reward their players for free from day 1. Rather than relying solely on traditional monetization or funding models, we can now seed communities’ funding directly through their engagement activities.

Thanks to the Mintium model, Meeds creates a sustainable ecosystem where active, engaged communities can thrive, supported by activities that make them valuable.

Practical Implications for Communities

The Engagement Score’s immediate benefit is its ability to quickly and reliably assess a community’s health.

For participants, it means comparing communities at a glance and making informed decisions about where to invest their time.

The score also serves as a benchmark for community leaders, encouraging continuous improvement and alignment with member interests.

benchmarking communities

In addition, the Engagement Score democratizes the potential of communities to be recognized and supported. It shifts the focus from size and scale to engagement quality, leveling the playing field for small, highly active, and engaging communities.

A Catalyst for Improvement

The Engagement Score is more than just a metric; it’s a tool for growth and improvement. Making engagement visible and measurable prompts community leaders to innovate and find new ways to increase participation and reward members. Combined with the Mintium rewards, communities are incentivized to maintain a healthy and exciting work environment that will attract talented participants. We aim to expand a global culture of active, authentic, and artful participation.

Meeds’ introduction of the Engagement Score represents a significant step forward in understanding and promoting online community engagement. It reflects our commitment to creating tools that improve how we work together. As we look to the future, the Engagement Score is poised to become a key metric for anyone looking to develop, grow, or participate in online communities.

Redefining the Notion of Engagement

The Engagement Score is not just a feature; it’s a new way of thinking about community engagement. Providing precise and reliable information about the dynamism of online spaces empowers users to make informed decisions. It encourages community leaders to strive for excellence. As we move forward, the Engagement Score will undoubtedly play a crucial role in changing the landscape of online communities, making them more engaging, fair, and rewarding for everyone involved.

This approach to community engagement is rooted in our deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by digital workspaces for communities. Introducing the Engagement Score reflects our commitment to changing how we work, providing a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve the quality and impact of their online community.

The Engagement score is live now. As we ramp up the Mintium rewards, we invite communities of all horizons to request a free Hub and invite their members. By focusing on engagement, communities can unlock new levels of participation and reward, creating a dynamic space for members.

For early-stage projects, Meeds offers an opportunity to create or build a community, leveraging the Engagement Score to attract and retain active members.

Claim your free Community Hub on Meeds.

About Meeds: Meeds is a decentralized engagement platform for the future of work.

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