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Venture Capital

Meet the Operators
Meet the Operators
A series of interviews with entrepreneurs and operators from a variety of industries, sharing their knowledge on creating and on scaling organizations (conducted by Zaw Thet)
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Path to Success → Create ‘Deliberate Actions’ w/ Josh Elman (Greylock Partners)

Meet The Operators: Josh Elman, Partner @ Greylock, and Silicon Valley veteran has spent the last 15 years building products & teams at great companies. It’s rare to have someone work at all

Blindfolded Musical Chairs & Building Great Culture with Jeff Ragovin

Meet The Operators: Jeff Ragovin, former Chief Strategy Officer of Salesforce Marketing Cloud, (co-founder of Buddy Media acquired in 2012 for $800M) joins #MTO this week to discuss how to stay ahead as a

Being a Tenacious Entrepreneur with Chris Michel

Meet The Operators: Founder of Military.com, Affinity Labs, & Nautilus Ventures, Chris is a serial entrepreneur, an avid investor, and epic photographer. Prior to his successful business career, Chris served in the US Navy, and then worked at