MeetnGreetMe Personalized approach Pt.1— A Wild Bachelor Party

Liza Deikun
MeetnGreetMe ICO
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2017

We are continuing to introduce you our platform’s special features and today we’d like to tell you about one unique and crucial thing on MeetnGreetMe platform — Personalized approach.

Personalized approach — is something MeetnGreetMe philosophy is based on.

Since MeetnGreetMe is a global platform connecting travelers and local people for getting personal tailor-made services, individual approach to each client is one of the fundamental principles of the service. During verification, we make sure that our MeetnGreeters share this principle of our platform, and they do everything possible to ensure that our Guests gain a tailor-made experience.

MeetnGreetMe took personalized approach to a new level. We have already shared with you a case study on how MeetnGreetMe Team assisted Nick Spanos and his Team during Blockchain Conference.

And here is another example of case studies, where our MeetnGreeters have done everything possible to fulfill even non-standard requests in the most personalized way. This time, it’s about how our MeetnGreeters organized a wild Bachelor Party for 6 Swedish Guys.

A group of 6 guys from Sweden asked us to organize a bachelor party in Minsk. They decided to celebrate it in Belarus because it was the only European country they had never been to before.

The only request was — it should be something completely crazy, “the odder the better”.

Our MeetnGreeters from Minsk suggested them some crazy options: riding a tank, taking a boat ride, riding a helicopter or reactive plane, and some other less crazy alternatives like best restaurants with national cuisine, luxury bar located in a skyscraper with an amazing view, best pub with live music, VIP table at the best club in Minsk.

MeetnGreeters organized all the events, pre-booked all the bars and restaurants chosen by the guests, and provided them with information support 24/7.

As Guests’ privacy is our highest priority we can’t reveal all the secrets, but we can assure that all the desires of our guests have been heard and fulfilled :)

Individual requests are often quite challenging, but their successful implementation makes both Guests and MeetnGreeters satisfied and this positive experience motivates them to continue using our platform, which contributes to the growth of its good e-reputation.

