Citizen as an Avatar Icon

Where Microeconomy meets Macroeconomy — using a Citizen token to identify yourself in the current version of the MegaCryptoPolis.

Mega Crypto Polis
2 min readJun 25, 2019


Since the very beginning there was no option to help other players identify you as the owner of a land plot or a building other than the wallet address.

From now you can choose any Microeconomy Citizen token and give him/her a name to be used as your avatar on every asset you possess.

This feature became available in your profile (Settings tab) and is completely free-of-charge — there is no need to pay gas fees or additional ETH, just your action verification in the wallet.

All you have to do is to press the “Change” button in the “Avatar” section and select one of your Citizens. You will be able to change a Citizen name that will be your nickname in the game:

Action will take an effect immediately — all players will see you avatar in the information about assets you possess on the decentralized city map.

How to obtain a Citizen?

In case you don’t have a Citizen token yet, there are two major ways to get one.

  1. Acquire MegaCryptoPolis 3D Microeconomy packs
  2. Purchase one from other players on the OpenSea

Learn more about Microeconomy in the MegaCryptoPolis 3D.

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