MegaCryptoPolis 3D Features Roadmap

Sneak preview of what’s in development for the decentralized city 3D client.

Mega Crypto Polis
4 min readApr 23, 2019


Recently updated project development roadmap published on the official website outlined the most important milestones for the MegaCryptoPolis 3D.

This article describes features coming to the decentralized city in details, most of them will be available already in the MegaCryptoPolis 3D Demo.

Drive Mode

Driving the streets of the decentralized city with a car offers an absolutely new dimension to explore the MegaCryptoPolis. Demo will allow using just any car you can possibly find in the city. After the game release a car token will be required to use this feature. However, you can always order a taxi.

Controlling a car with a keyboard arrows or on-screen buttons will allow to reach almost any corver of the city thanks to well-designed roads system.

Actual in-game footage.

Public Transport

Bus stops and metro stations will be added to highlight places of interest on the decentralized map and grant instant access to them.

Citizen as an Avatar

Use a Citizen token to identify yourself with its avatar in the game interface to help other players recognize you while they are checking for who’s the owner of that fancy building around.

This feature will be available both in the actual MegaCryptoPolis (2D) client and 3D Demo.


Brand your building or an entire District in the decentralized city.

MegaCryptoPolis 3D will allow for placing ads on the Office and Commercial buildings (only Huge and Mega — 6 and 7 levels). Using a special marketplace advertisers will be albe then to book these placements for a certain period using Ether. District owners will be provided with an option to place ads on all billboards and taxi cabs driving around the streets.

Please note that all adverts will be moderated by MCP team to keep the city landscape clean and sightly.

Switch a Building Type

An unique one-time opportunity to change a building type will be available during limited time period before the launch of the MegaCryptoPolis 3D.

Due to significant changes introduced by Microeconomy concept one may consider of another building type to be suitrable for the new gameplay. Swithing that with no additional gas fee was considered to be a good idea. After the building type is defined it will appear on the MegaCryptoPolis 3D Demo map (instead of construction sites) so neighbours may consider making some changes as well.

That will not affect Influence Points in the current MegaCryptoPolis state.

New Chains

Expansion to new distributed networks (like TRON, EOS, etc.) will add new territories to the MegaCryptoPolis. However, no new land plots or districts will be created on the Ethereum blockchain. Ever.

Nevertheless, all the Microeconomy assets will be interoperable — that means you will be able to use them and trade on any network. For example, Bricks produced on the Ethereum network can be easely dlivered to be used or traded on another network. Same for Citizens, Pets, Cars and Appliances.

Avatar Mode

Walking down the streets of the decentralized city and communicating with other players using unique avatar will some day become real in MegaCryptoPolis 3D.

Along with Driving Mode and Public Transport that will bring infinite opportunities for free movement across the city.

City Newspaper

Daily news digest about important events happening in the decentralized city to inform about recent business openings, significant buildings constructed, good bargains on the market and changes in Districts policies.

Please visit Official Website, join Discord and Telegram groups for more info.

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