MEGAX Official USD/SGD Contribution Guide

Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2017


MEGAX will be accepting fiat currency (USD or SGD) for the purchase of MGX tokens. This will be a guide on what you can expect from the purchase. Firstly you’ll need a MyEtherWallet to receive and store your MGX tokens. We have prepared a guide for that here. You will need a wallet prepared before contributing.

1.The price of MGX is fixed at 1 Ethereum (ETH) for 380 MGX coins, bonus coins will be given for early participation in the form of extra coins. The ETH rates for USD and SGD is displayed on the page will be updated daily at 1000 HRS UCT and will be rates based from Coinbase.

2.Fill in the personal information and specify your contribution type in either USD or SGD and how much. We will do the calculation for the number of MGX coins you’ll receive so you do not have to worry about the USD or SGD amount.

3.Key in your wallet address that you’d like to receive your MGX tokens, you can find the guide to creating the wallet here. Please do not use a wallet address from an exchange such as Coinbase or Bittrex, you will not be able to receive your tokens from exchanges such as these. We recommend using MyEtherWallet.

4.The bank account details will be shown after successfully submitting your information. Please proceed to transfer the funds to the bank account details shown.

5.An additional email will be sent out to you to verify more information on your eligibility to purchase MGX tokens, we will be refunding those participants who are not eligible. We will be contacting you only via and no other emails. The fiat to ETH rates will be locked in on the day that we receive the funds, as shown on our website based on Coinbase.

Please do not send your ETH to any addresses that was not provided at



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Spendable tokens on the retail platform and network $MGX