I published a Text-to-Speech Widget in the Marketplace
The implementation of text-to-speech (TTS) and speech recognition features in modern applications has gained popularity. This blog post aims to explain how to integrate a text-to-speech widget in Mendix, utilizing the SpeechSynthesis and SpeechRecognition APIs.
The SpeechSynthesis API is a component of the Web Speech API that converts text to spoken audio on websites. It gives developers control over voice, pitch, speech speed, and language. To incorporate this in Mendix, a custom widget can be designed that utilizes the SpeechSynthesis API for converting text to speech.
Download the Widget from the Marketplace
How it works
Here’s an example of how you can use the SpeechSynthesis API in Mendix:
To create a new instance of the SpeechSynthesis API, the window.speechSynthesis object is used. The speak function accepts text and creates a new SpeechSynthesisUtterance object with the text. The speech synthesis process is initiated by calling the synth.speak method with the utterance.
The SpeechRecognition API is another part of the Web Speech API that helps websites recognize spoken audio and convert it into text. To integrate this into Mendix, another custom widget can be created, utilizing the SpeechRecognition API for recognizing speech and converting it into text.
Here’s an example of how you can use the SpeechRecognition API in Mendix:
This code uses the webkitSpeechRecognition constructor to establish a new instance of the SpeechRecognition API. The recognition.onresult event logs the recognized speech to the console, and the recognition.start method is called to initiate the speech recognition process.
By merging these two APIs, it is possible to create a TTS widget in Mendix that converts text to speech, recognizes speech, and converts it into text. This feature can be beneficial for various applications, such as education, language learning, and more.
In conclusion
In conclusion, the SpeechSynthesis and SpeechRecognition APIs are potent tools that can be used to add TTS and speech recognition functionality to Mendix applications. By utilizing these APIs, a TTS widget has been developed, to enhance the accessibility and user-friendliness of Mendix applications.
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