A quick guide to building pluggable widgets inWindows 10 with Mendix and Cmder

Mendix Community
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2021


It can be difficult for new developers to compile and build their pluggable widget in Windows 10. That’s why I’m writing this quick guide on how to overcome this.

Before we start

We will need some tools to manage our node node version, and a good terminal with which to execute our commands.

First of all, you will need a good command line interface. Currently, I use Cmder version 1.3.18. You can able download it here.

It’s a portable one, meaning there is no installation needed. You can just extract the files after download and keep it somewhere on your drive and use the .exe file to run it.

Second is NVM which is a node module management tool. You can download it here on Github. And of course this is a .exe file - just click next to complete the installation.

When you are able to get all these tools, let’s open Cmder and check it out from command line.

To see a list of node LTS versions currently available you can run the command

nvm list available

To check which version is currently in use run the command

nvm list

To install specific version, for example 12.22.3 you can run the command

nvm install 12.22.3

After installing a version it is not automatically selected as active. To select the newly installed version run the command

nvm use 12.22.3

Installing Yeoman

Now for the Mendix part. You will need to install Yeoman before installing the Mendix widget generator. To do this you can run the command

npm install -g yo

Now we can install the Mendix widget generator which will create our widget scaffold. Run the command

npm install -g @mendix/generator-widget

To make sure it is working we can create a test widget, which I will call TestWidget. Navigate to your Mendix app’s project directory in Cmder and create a folder named CustomWidgets with the command

mkdir CustomWidgets

Next navigate into the file you just created by running the command

cd CustomWidgets

We can now call the Mendix widget generator we installed previously to create a test widget, which I have called TestWidget. Run the command

yo @mendix/widget TestWidget

Then complete all the required inputs for the generator. When you finish, you should see something like this

Testing the build function

To make sure everything is working as expected, we can test the build process by removing the dist folder inside of the TestWidget file which was created by the generator inside the CustomWidgets file we created previously.

Now Run the command

npm run build 

Your new widget will be in the recreated dist file.


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Mendix Community

Certified Mendix Expert MVP, Data Scientist, and Technical Practitioner @ TBN Software