Mendix World 2021

Jason’s guide to the best sessions

Some people are really hyped about Mendix World, while others have no idea what it is nor do they know why others are excited for it. I thought this would give me a great opportunity to shed some light on why the biggest low code event of the year makes me excited.

No long texts, just 3 simple questions

  1. Why I’m excited about MX World (and why you should check it out).
  2. My most anticipated speakers at MX World?
  3. Why I'm excited to talk at MX World?

1. Why I'm excited about Mendix World

Most people know that I’m really excited about low code. I 100% share the vision that everyone should be empowered to make apps.

A lot of apps have similar patterns, and low code platforms help do a lot of the heavy lifting.

That being said, the talks I enjoy the most are actually the ones that have the least to do with low-code. In previous years, I’ve learned things by being exposed to conversations I otherwise wouldn’t have, such as “The challenges that women face in IT and Agile transformation case studies”.

The live sessions are really amazing, being able to chat with other experts in a session creates a sense of community, even though we are in the middle of a pandemic.

Having the opportunity to ask questions too experts also helps share the knowledge, and I think that is what events like this are all about.

There is also an amazing digital platform to browse and manage your sessions (which you can see here).

2. Must-See Talks

The best must-see talk this year, is the one that I will be giving. But in all seriousness, finding the best talks is a difficult task. To make my life easier, I have decided to focus on presenters. A great presenter can:
- convey complex ideas and thoughts with ease.
- make you think about new ideas.
- transform a dry case-study into an amazing adventure.

If a presenter has fire in their heart, I know their story will burn bright.
So here is a shortlist of passionate speakers that I am definitely going to check out.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Bindu Upadhyay — Lead better development through structured collaboration

Bindu Upadhyay is an extremely passionate Senior Service Designer from the Community and Collaboration Unit. In the past, I have had some great conversations with her about some of the challenges we face as an external low-code UX’er. She is giving a talk about collaboration, which is extremely interesting for anyone that is part of a Mendix team.

Add this session to your Mendix World agenda.

Photo by Yves Moret on Unsplash

Ivo Sturm — Digitalizing customer experience in 4 weeks with Dutch Railways

Ivo Sturm is one of the best Mendix MVP and has been doing this for over 12 years. The premise of the talk is also interesting: something in the world changes and you need to adapt quickly. I think this scenario really shows the strength of lowcode, and I'm looking forward to Ivo talking about this.

Add this session to your Mendix World agenda.

Photo by Balázs Kétyi on Unsplash

Christopher Hodges — How to design high-quality user experiences with Atlas 3

The man behind the curtain, genius designer, and all out humble guy, definitely go check out what Chris Hodges has to say. He’ll be talking about Atlas 3 which will be a game-changer in terms of moving design systems to the next level of consistency and freedom.

Add this session to your Mendix World agenda.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Jakob Schillinger — State of the edge: A case study on better connecting OT and IT domains

A while back Jan de Vries introduced me to Jakob Schillinger for the podcast where we got to talk about the influences of DnD on his work field, which was an amazing talk. I am really looking forward to hearing him talk about a case-study, which is out of my current realm of knowledge (merging OT & IT), so I'm sure I am going to learn a lot from this passionate speaker.

Add this session to your Mendix World agenda.

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Jaap Bakker —Support your core insurance processes with the Humble Bee Insurance Suite

Jaap Bakker is definitely someone to keep an eye on. I don't think I’ve met anyone with the amount of energy this guy has and the ability to funnel that energy into something tangible is inspiring. The talk will be about disrupting the insurance market with their Insurance suite. I’m always excited to see platforms that shake up traditional industries.

Add this session to your Mendix World agenda.

Photo by Edson Junior on Unsplash

3. Why I'm excited to talk at Mendix World

The legendary Jan de Vries asked me to do a live presentation.
I’m really humbled to be given this opportunity, because I get to share my experience and insights with thousands of other makers.

We’re going all out for my speaker slot and bringing something unique that can only be done with a live session and participation from every viewer. Prepare to connect and explore my discoveries about unconscious biases and psychology and learn how you can overcome yours.

Add MY session to your Mendix World agenda.

The Mendix World Platform

On a side note, the Mendix world platform has some cool features, my favorite has to be this really cool personal timetable that you can use to create your own playlist.

Sign Up For Free, using this link

(for real do it, because you will forget, and be like “I’ll do it later” … but you won't)

See you there.

From the Publisher -

If you enjoyed this article you can find more like it at our Medium page or at our own Community blog site.

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