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Parameters in Mendix

Parameters in Mendix

Rachana BP
Mendix Community
Published in
7 min readMay 1, 2024


While seemingly small or simple, parameters hold immense power in shaping the behavior and functionality of Mendix applications. I was inspired by the observation that parameters aren’t always utilized to their full potential, trying to shed light on their significance and practical applications.

What exactly is a parameter?

In mathematics, it represents a constant in an equation, defining its operation. However, in the context of Mendix, parameters extend far beyond mathematical equations. They serve as dynamic elements that enable customization and interaction within the application’s ecosystem.

Consider the analogy of a recipe: the amount of sugar used can be viewed as a parameter, influencing the sweetness of the dish. Similarly, in Mendix, parameters allow for the customization of behavior by passing data between different parts of the application.

In this blog, we’ll explore the role of parameters in Mendix development, from their fundamental definition to their practical usage across various components such as pages, microflows, and modules. By understanding the versatility and power of parameters, developers can unlock new possibilities for creating dynamic and responsive applications tailored to their users’ needs.

Why Utilize Parameters?

Parameters are the backbone of customization, flexibility, and scalability in Mendix development. These versatile components empower developers to tailor applications to specific requirements and enhance user experiences. Let’s explore their key roles in Mendix:

Data Transfer

Parameters facilitate seamless data exchange between different components of a Mendix application. For instance, they enable the transfer of user input from a form on one page to a microflow that processes the data on another page.

Dynamic Behavior

By passing parameters to microflows or pages, developers can create dynamic and interactive user experiences. Applications can respond differently based on user input or other conditions, enhancing engagement and usability.

Reusable Components

Parameters enable the creation of reusable components within Mendix applications. Developers can define parameters for widgets or microflows, customizing their behavior and leveraging them across various parts of the application.


Parameters facilitate smooth integration between different modules or functionalities within a Mendix application. They enable structured communication, ensuring that different parts of the application can work together seamlessly.


Parameters promote modularity by encapsulating functionality and data within separate modules or components. This modular approach simplifies maintenance and updates as Mendix applications evolve and grow in complexity.

Overall, parameters are indispensable for enabling data transfer, dynamic behavior, reusability, integration, and modularity in Mendix development, laying the foundation for scalable and maintainable applications.

Where to Implement Parameters?

Parameters find diverse applications across various components of Mendix applications:

  • Microflows: Parameters are frequently employed in microflows to pass data between different microflows or customize their behavior based on input values.
  • Pages: Parameters are commonly used in Mendix pages to transfer data between different pages or tailor their behavior according to user input.
  • Custom Widgets: Parameters allow customization and configuration of widget behavior based on input values, enhancing their versatility and usability.
  • Integration with External Systems: Parameters facilitate seamless data exchange with external systems or APIs, ensuring smooth communication and interoperability.
  • Data Grids and List Views: Parameters are utilized in data grids and list views to filter or customize displayed data based on user input or other conditions, enhancing data presentation and usability.
  • Navigation: Parameters enable data transfer between different navigation steps or pages within the application, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • OQL Queries: Parameters are instrumental in forming dynamic OQL queries, allowing for flexible and efficient data retrieval.
  • Custom Authentication Microflows: Query parameters can authenticate users for published web services, ensuring secure access to application functionalities.

Effectively Employing Parameters

Utilizing parameters in Mendix involves four essential stages:

  1. Define: Define parameters by adding input or output parameters to microflows, pages, or widgets. Input parameters receive data, while output parameters send data.
  2. Input: Pass the appropriate object as a parameter to the page or microflow, ensuring that the required data is available for processing.
  3. Output: Utilize expressions or object retrieval mechanisms to output data from the microflow or page, ensuring that the processed data is accessible to other parts of the application.
  4. Query Parameters: Utilize IDs or retrieval mechanisms in integrations, ensuring seamless data exchange between Mendix and external systems.

By following these stages, developers can effectively leverage parameters to perform calculations, update entities, and interact with different parts of the application, maximizing the functionality and efficiency of Mendix applications.

Variables vs Parameters

Variables and parameters may seem interchangeable, but they serve distinct roles within Mendix applications:

Variables: These entities are short-lived and primarily utilized to store and manipulate data within microflows. They act as transient placeholders for data manipulation operations during the execution of specific tasks.

Parameters: On the other hand, parameters are integral for passing data into functions or method signatures, thereby customizing their behavior. They facilitate the exchange of data between different components of the application and play a vital role in ensuring seamless communication and interaction.

Analogously, variables can be likened to non-persistent entities, serving temporary functions within the application’s logic. Meanwhile, parameters bear a resemblance to persistent entities, as they persistently carry and convey data across various parts of the application.

The Misuse of Parameters

It’s essential to note that parameters can sometimes be misused in a manner akin to mishandling variables. This misuse can manifest in various forms, such as:

  • Invalid parameter passage, where incorrect or irrelevant data is passed into a function or method, leading to unintended behavior.
  • Unnecessary parameter passage, wherein parameters are included unnecessarily, bloating the function’s signature and complicating the codebase.
  • Failure to pass the correct parameters, resulting in functional errors or unintended outcomes.
  • Passing multiple parameters unnecessarily, can clutter code and hinder readability.
  • Creating unnecessary objects solely for parameter-passing purposes, leading to redundancy and inefficiency in the application’s design.

By recognizing these distinctions and potential pitfalls, developers can effectively leverage both variables and parameters to optimize the functionality and maintainability of their Mendix applications.

Page Parameters

Empowering developers to pass multiple page parameters was a groundbreaking initiative by Mendix, yielding several notable benefits:

1. Enhanced Page Design Flexibility: By allowing multiple parameters, Mendix enables developers to create more adaptable and customizable page layouts, catering to diverse user requirements and interface designs.

2. Improved Performance: The reduction of nested views through multiple parameters contributes to optimized page rendering performance. This streamlined approach enhances the overall responsiveness and efficiency of Mendix applications.

3. Simplified Deep Linking: The integration of multiple URL parameters facilitates seamless deep linking between pages, offering users a smoother navigation experience and simplifying the management of application URLs.

4. Elimination of Redundant Objects: The adoption of multiple parameters diminishes the need for unnecessary non-persistent objects, which were previously created solely to align with UX design specifications. This consolidation enhances the application’s clarity and efficiency by eliminating redundant elements.

5. Facilitated Dynamic Data Display: Leveraging multiple parameters enables dynamic and context-sensitive data display on pages, enriching user interactions and providing tailored content based on varying input parameters.

6. Streamlined Page Design: With the introduction of multiple parameters, developers no longer need to resort to cumbersome workarounds involving the addition of various associations to design pages. This simplification fosters cleaner domain models and page structures, enhancing overall application maintainability and scalability.

The implementation of multiple-page parameters marks a significant advancement in Mendix development practices, empowering developers to create more versatile and user-friendly applications.

In conclusion:

Parameters in Mendix serve as powerful tools for enabling customization, flexibility, and efficiency in application development. From facilitating seamless data transfer between different components to promoting modularity and integration, parameters play a crucial role in building scalable and maintainable applications.

By understanding the fundamentals of parameters and leveraging them effectively across microflows, pages, widgets, and integrations, developers can create dynamic and interactive user experiences while ensuring the robustness and efficiency of their Mendix applications.

However, it’s essential to use parameters judiciously and follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls such as invalid parameter passage or unnecessary complexity. By doing so, developers can harness the full potential of parameters to streamline development processes, enhance application performance, and ultimately deliver value to end-users.

As Mendix continues to evolve, embracing the versatility and power of parameters will remain essential for developers seeking to innovate and build sophisticated applications that meet the evolving needs of their organizations and users.

Parameters are not just small components; they are the building blocks of dynamic, adaptable, and efficient Mendix applications, empowering developers to create solutions that drive business success in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape.

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