Text-to-Image Generation in Mendix

Text-to-Image Generation using Mendix? Absolutely. By incorporating the newest and most advanced AI model, we’ve made it incredibly easy for any Developer to tap into this capability in Mendix. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through simple steps to achieve this. Without further ado, let’s dive into it!

Dinesh K
Mendix Community
Published in
7 min readAug 15, 2023


Text-to-image generation is a cutting-edge field of artificial intelligence (AI) that bridges the gap between language and visual representation. It empowers users to describe an image conceptually using natural language, and, through machine learning algorithms, produces a corresponding image that encapsulates the description. This revolutionary technology has the potential to transform various industries, from advertising and marketing to entertainment and design, by democratizing visual content creation like never before.

In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating journey into the realm of text-to-image generation. We will explore the underlying techniques, the AI models behind the magic, and the practical applications that make this technology a game-changer for businesses and content creators alike. So, whether you’re a marketer looking to enhance your visual campaigns or a writer seeking to bring your words to life, this exploration of text-to-image generation will leave you inspired and eager to delve deeper into the possibilities.

Implementation of Text-to-Image using Mendix

To use the API, you must first create an account on Clip-Drop. Create an account at https://clipdrop.co/ and generate an API key for authorization.

After creating an account, click on Authentication and View API Key to find your key and save it.

In Mendix Studio Pro

We need to create the domain model, which only requires one field on our entity, and then we can generate the request overview pages.

After creating the domain model, right-click on the domain model and click the Generate Overview Page.

Once the page has been generated, let’s create the microflow by right-clicking the generated button and adding the microflow.

In the created microflow, let’s create the logic for integrating communication with the API.

Below, you can see an example of my implementation:

Invoke the microflow with the button to generate the result.

Call Rest Service Activity Configuration

x-api-key: “###Generated API key should be mapped with REST Activity.###’
In Form-data
prompt: “###Input String, which we are going to type in the user interface###”


Testing the Text-to-Image Generation

Users can enter text on this page when clicking the generate image button. This will hit the REST API to analyze the user text and return AI-generated images.

Once the flow has been processed, we can see the fascinating results of what AI has done.

Are you eager to see the Results?

I’ll include a few screenshots:





Now that we have seen how to integrate this, let’s see what the features and uses of this technology are.


Content Creation: Text-to-image conversion can be used to generate visual content for websites, social media platforms, marketing materials, and presentations automatically. It enables businesses and content creators to quickly render high-quality images that correspond to their textual content, increasing visual appeal and engagement.

E-commerce and Product Visualization: Online shopping experiences can be improved by generating product images based on textual descriptions. Text-to-image generation enables e-commerce platforms to provide realistic product visualizations even before the product is physically available. It helps potential customers make informed decisions by providing accurate representations of the products they are interested in.

Storytelling and Gaming: Text-based storytelling and interactive fiction games can benefit from text-to-image generation by dynamically generating visuals based on the narrative or player choices. This adds a visual dimension to the storytelling experience, immersing the audience or players in the virtual world and enhancing their engagement.

Design and Prototyping: Text-to-image generation can help designers and architects quickly visualize their ideas and concepts. They can generate visual representations that aid in the design process and facilitate effective communication with clients and stakeholders by describing the design elements or architectural structures in the text.

Advertising and Marketing: Text-to-image generation can revolutionize advertising and marketing campaigns by automating the creation of visuals. Advertisers can describe the desired ad copy or messaging, and the system can generate corresponding images that align with the brand’s aesthetic and target audience, resulting in personalized and visually appealing advertisements.

Education and Training: The ability to convert text to images has the potential to improve educational materials and training programs. Teachers and trainers can describe concepts or scenarios, and the system will generate visuals, diagrams, or illustrations based on their descriptions. This visual aid improves learners’ comprehension and retention of information.

Virtual and Augmented Reality: Text-to-image generation can be integrated into virtual and augmented reality applications to dynamically generate visuals based on user interactions or environmental descriptions. This enhances the immersive experience by providing real-time, context-aware visual feedback.

I hope that all of those uses have a positive impact on all of the stakeholders connected to the industry!


Let’s get into the advancements, of this advanced AI algorithmic model, which provides more advancements and creations that could potentially help many industries. These are some of the primary advancements that we are going to see below, and these have been heavily trained to achieve them soon.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): GANs have been instrumental in advancing text-to-image generation. GANs are made up of two competing neural networks, a generator, and a discriminator. The generator creates images from text descriptions, and the discriminator tells the difference between authentic and generated images. The interaction of these networks results in the creation of more realistic and high-quality images.

Attention Mechanisms: Attention mechanisms have been incorporated into text-to-image generation models to improve the alignment between the generated image and the input text. Attention mechanisms enable the model to focus on different parts of the text when rendering corresponding image regions, leading to more accurate and coherent visual representations.

Conditioning Techniques: Conditioning techniques involve conditioning the image generation process on extra data such as class labels or attribute vectors. Models can generate images that conform to specific attributes or styles by providing additional information, allowing for more fine-grained control over the image generation process.

Large-Scale Datasets: The availability of large-scale datasets, such as MS COCO and ImageNet, has contributed to advancements in text-to-image generation. These datasets provide a diverse range of images with associated textual descriptions, allowing models to learn from a vast amount of visual and textual data and generate more accurate and contextually relevant images.

Cross-Modal Learning: Cross-modal learning techniques seek to bridge the gap between different modes of communication, such as text and images. These techniques allow models to learn joint representations of text and images, allowing for improved comprehension and translation between the two modalities. Cross-modal learning has resulted in more accurate and visually consistent image generation, as well as enhanced text-to-image generation capabilities.

Diversity and Novelty: Another focus is on ensuring diversity and novelty in generated images. Techniques such as diversity regularization and adversarial training have been developed to encourage the generation of unique and diverse images, thereby avoiding the problem of producing similar or repetitive visual outputs.


Text-to-image generation using AI is revolutionizing creative content generation, product design, and storytelling. With advancements in conditioning techniques and cross-modal learning, technology is evolving rapidly, offering users unprecedented control and creative freedom—however, challenges related to fidelity have arisen.

I hope this article helped you understand how to use a Text-Image REST API to generate an image based on text in Mendix.

Thanks for reading this! I will see you in the next blog post.

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