The Mendix helper you never knew you needed.
The Mendix helper you never knew you needed.

The Mendix helper you never knew you needed.

Have you ever wanted another manager hovering over your shoulder commenting on everything you do? Now you can, with this latest announcement from Mendix.


For I while, I have secretly been collaborating with the innovation team to find the most fun way to interact with the users by suggesting helpful tips.

There were many stakeholders with different values, but after some workshops, we distilled it down to these 3 visions:

  • Helpful, but not annoying.
  • Friendly, but not intrusive.
  • Funny, but not unprofessional.

Introducing The Worst Helper.

Back in the day, every Wednesday was hot dog day at the office, this was always perceived as the best lunch day. Everyone in the office has awesome memories of this epic lunch. Hot dogs in Dutch (and German) are also called “worst” serving as the main inspiration for this friendly character.

Embrace the conversation.

According to the latest research, developers are almost 100% human.
Conversational UX has gained popularity over the past years with zero negative pushback, and we were keen to leverage this in the UX.
Knowing these 2 facts, we wanted to create something that would resonate with them in a conversational style.

AI Quality

The tips are generated in real-time using GPT-3 AI engine, guaranteeing that the tips match your skill level and context. It is even possible to grant access to your social media profiles so it can comment on subjects outside of Mendix.

Expected release date.

There are still some tiny bugs, most notably one where the ai helper hijacks your machine to mine cryptocurrency. Other than that, expect to see this friendly guy appear in your MendixStudioPro within the next 6 to 36 months.

Super official disclaimer
This is an April Fools joke. I was hoping this was already clear, but in the current climate it is important to make certain this is indeed a joke and no harm is meant by it.

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