Top 5 sessions at AWS Innovate for Mendix Developers (Banner Image)
Top 5 sessions at AWS Innovate for Mendix Developers

Top 5 sessions at AWS Innovate for Mendix Developers

Jeroen Appel
Mendix Community
Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2023


Move fast and don’t break things — the tagline of the upcoming AWS Innovate — Every Application Edition on October 19th, 2023. With over 80 sessions in 5 languages, there is something to learn for every skill level. So don’t be shy if you’re interested and new to AWS; let’s see what to expect.


Almost every AWS event is organized in so-called ‘tracks’. Each track serves a specific user group or shares a certain topic. For this edition, there will be eight tracks in total.

  • Track 1 — Optimize for Performance and Cost
  • Track 2 — Maximize security and reliability
  • Track 3 — Accelerate application development
  • Track 4 — Reimagine your applications with the most capabilities
  • Track 5 — Migrate and Modernize Enterprise Applications
  • Track 6 — Generative AI
  • Track 7 — Startups
  • Track 8 — Interactive Builder Track

As every Mendix developer or customer differs, some tracks might be more relevant to you than others. In this article, I will highlight the tracks and sessions which cover the broadest audience.

Top 5 Sessions

1. Building next-generation applications with event-driven architectures (Track 3)

A returning topic that never gets old: event-driven architectures. As the content of this session is not limited to AWS services, it’s an excellent opportunity to learn more about event-driven architectures in general or refresh your knowledge. You also see decoupling applications more often when developing with Mendix. The concepts you’ll learn here can also be applied to Mendix Connect / Business Events.

2. Building a secure foundation for future growth: Essential best practices (Track 7)

It is a truly recommended session for everyone who is just starting with AWS. It’s important to consider the security aspect of your solution every step of the way. Therefore, it’s good to know what’s possible and learn more about AWS identity services and security best practices.

3. Your AI Assistant: Boost dev with Amazon CodeWhisperer (Track 6)

CodeWhisperer can become your AI-powered assistant when developing new Mendix widgets. Build fast and deliver high-quality code without the need to learn everything about frameworks and libraries. Small quality disclaimer: let AI never replace your manual code reviews, as they will offer more than software can ever provide.

4. Building generative AI applications with Amazon Bedrock | Mendix connector available (Track 6)

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that democratizes generative AI. This brand-new service has a lot to offer to a variety of companies. Go and see for yourself to discover what this can mean for your business. And the great news here: there is already a Mendix connector available in the Marketplace!

5. AWS JAM (Track 8)

I am more of a hands-on person than someone who likes to binge presentations. We’ve got you covered! The AWS JAM is a longer session (170 minutes) in which you get access to a free lab environment. It’s a great opportunity to get more experience if you’re familiar with AWS. Join the interactive Builder Track to earn the 75% discount voucher, win prizes, and solve real-world problems from your own laptop.

Looking for more?

As mentioned, other sessions might be more relevant to you depending on your current project(s), skill level, and domain. As it’s hard to pick my five personal favorites, I also wanted to share a few other sessions. The audience for these sessions might be more specific.

  • Kubernetes deployment and management: From platform to API (Track 3)

This session might be relevant to those running Mendix for Private Cloud.

  • Code faster with your generative AI coding companion: Amazon CodeWhisperer (Track 6)

Another session on Amazon CodeWhisperer. This session is more hands-on and could be interesting if you’re a more experienced widget/front-end developer.

  • How to leverage Hugging Face and AWS for your GenAI projects (Track 4)

If you’re more experienced with applied machine learning, this session might interest you. Hugging Face offers 250k State-of-the-art transformer models and 45k datasets.

  • Generative AI: A builder’s guide on AWS (Track 6)

This session is comparable to the Bedrock session mentioned before. If you want to learn more about LLM’s and how you could practically use, deploy, and manage these models in the cloud, this is a session for you.

  • The N.A.M.A (No-code + AI + Microservices + APIs) toolbox for fast prototyping (Track 7)

Buzzword-bingo! And meanwhile, a very powerful mix. As you already have the power of Mendix, this session promises to show you more tools to build prototypes without coding knowledge. Everything you learn can be integrated with Mendix as well. Unleash your inner inventor!

Signup for free

Curious about the event? Awesome! More information, including the full agenda, can be found on the event page. I am interested to hear who will attend and which sessions you plan to follow. Let us know in the comments, and share your thoughts.

This article was originally posted on LinkedIn:

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Jeroen Appel
Mendix Community

Mendix Expert Consultant at CLEVR | Mendix MVP — Exploring AI, ML and everything else around data on Azure, GCP and AWS