AWS IoT as your MQTT Broker

Using the MQTT Connector

Marco Spoel
Mendix Community
Published in
7 min readApr 4, 2023


AWS IoT as your MQTT Broker Banner Image
AWS IoT as your MQTT Broker Banner Image

Want to use AWS IoT Core as the MQTT broker for your Mendix low-code IoT project? With Mendix, you can publish a message on the MQTT broker and subscribe to messages from the MQTT broker, and execute a microflow when the messages come in. This allows the creation of smart apps fully integrated with the IoT environment. In the Mendix forum, many posts are related to the connector's setup. This blog post will help you to get started.


In the Mendix Marketplace, you can find 3 connectors:
MQTT Connector is the latest one, and I advise starting with this one before looking at the others.
MQTT Client is used frequently and has similar features. Using the MQTT Client, you need to include the certificate files in your project resources directory. The MQTT Connector stores the certificates as strings in the database.
AWS IoT Connector, built in Mendix 7, has—apart from publishing and subscribing—features like retrieving a list and descriptions of Things and managing the Shadow (Device Shadows allow connected devices to sync their state with AWS. You can also get, update, or delete the state information about this thing’s Device Shadows by using HTTPS and MQTT topics).

When using the MQTT connector in Mendix, the constant ClientIdPrefix must be set. This should match the Thing name and the Policy (more about the Policy later in this post). You can find the constant in your projects explorer under “Marketplace modules → MQTT Connector → USE_ME”. In this example, I will use the “Mendix” string, but it can be anything of your choice.

Example of the configuration and documentation of the constant ClientIdPrefix

You need to enable the application to open the “ConnectionAdministration” page in the same USE_ME directory. When running the application, you will be able to create records in the ConnectionDetail entity. In the section “Running the application” more information on what to fill in will be provided. But first, let’s configure AWS IoT Core.

Configure AWS IoT

If you do not have an AWS account, browse and sign up for an account.

When logged in, select the region you want the MQTT broker to run, I choose “Frankfurt” eu-central-1.

Select your region in the top right corner next to your account name

In the search box, please type “IoT” and select “IoT Core.”

The initial screen of IoT Core

In the menu on the left, select “Connect one device”.

Note the address of your IoT Broker (here blurred)

Store the broker hostname in section 4. of Prepare your Device. It is the string after the “ping ” command.

Click “Next.”

Fill in the Thing properties. The “Additional configurations” are optional and not used by Mendix

In “Thing name”, fill in the exact string as your Mendix ClientIdPrefix constant. In the example, it is “Mendix.”

Click “Next” and select Platform and SDK to connect to your IoT Broker from Java, Node.JS, or Python.

The options you choose here are not relevant to the Mendix module setup

Whatever you choose here is unimportant if you don’t want to test using any of those languages. Please select the “Next” button.

The connector kit details. Download the connection kit

Press the “Download connection kit” button and find the compressed .zip file in your (default) download directory.0

The connection kit file to open.

Open the .zip file, and from the files, you need these two files:

Tip: Don’t share the private key with anyone outside of your trusted team

AWS IoT Security

Apart from the certificates above, AWS IoT can be configured very securely. To allow the Mendix MQTT Module to connect and publish/subscribe to topics, we have to change the policy created in the previous step (it was done automatically in the background).

Select in the left menu Security → Policies.

The place to administer policies

The policy to edit is mendix-Policy.

To edit a policy click the policy name

Select the Mendix-Policy to edit its setting.

The details of the selected policy

Click “Edit active version” to edit the existing policy. Remove the Policies like */test/java you don’t need. See the image “The active policy” for the end result that should be in for Mendix.

The policy is to be edited. The Policy resources are comma delimited

The field of iot:Connect must be replaced by the name of your ClientIdPrefix. Trim the string found in “Policy resource:” until the first “:client/” and add the client id. You can add multiple ids if you separate them by a comma.

arn:aws:iot:eu-central-1:<your arn number>:client/mendix, arn:aws:iot:eu-central-1:<your arn number>:client/mx

You can use wildcards to reuse the policy for all clients starting with mendix by adding a wildcard at the end (arn:aws:iot:eu-central-1:<your arn number>:client/mendix*). It will accept client names like “mendix-app1

Now edit “iot:Publish,iot:Receive

Trim the string found in “Policy resource:” until the first “:topic/” and add the topic. You can add multiple topics if you separate them by a comma.
Read this Amazon Docs Page for details on the topic of wildcards. The usual MQTT wildcards are not used here. Use * or ? over the MQTT # and +.
arn:aws:iot:eu-central-1:<your arn number>:topic/*

And finally, edit “iot:Subscribe

Trim the string found in “Policy resource:” until the first “:topicfilter/” and add the topics to listen to. You can add multiple topicfilters if you separate them by a comma.

arn:aws:iot:eu-central-1:<your arn number>:topicfilter/*

Select the checkbox “Set the edited version …” and click the “Save as new version” button.

Making the editted policy active directly

The end result will look something like this:

The active policy

Tip: Using fewer wildcards makes your environment more secure!

Back to Mendix: Running the application

Run the application and go to the page “ConnectionAdministration”. It will look like this:

The Connection administration page of the MQTT Connector module. See the client id at the top

Click the “New” button, enable the SSL toggle, and fill in the screen.

For CA Certificate do the following:
- go to

In the text field, add your broker hostname followed by a colon and port number and hit the “sumbit” button:

The part we need is starting with — — -BEGIN CERTIFICATE — — — and ends with — — -END CERTIFICATE — — -

Copy and paste the certificate from — — -BEGIN CERTIFICATE — — — and including — — -END CERTIFICATE — — — to the field CA Certificate

Client Certificate

Open the file found in the downloaded Connection kit compressed file with the name <Thing/Name>.cert.pem (in my example mendix.cert.pem) using a text editor.

Example of the certificate

Copy and paste the entire text to the field Client Certificate.

Client Certificate Key

Open the file found in the downloaded Connection kit compressed file with the name <Thing/Name>.private.key (in my example mendix.private.key) using a text editor.

Copy and paste the entire text to the field Client Certificate Key.

The end product of the connection detail record

Hit the “Save” button.

Select the Connection Name and hit the “Connect/Reconnect” button. If all is set up properly for the connection, you should see.

After connecting, you can subscribe to topics and publish them.

Special thanks to Branislav (Brano) Zubic, who validated this blog. Having no AWS background (He created his first-ever AWS account for this validation) and working in Mendix for two months (He did his Boot Camp in February 2023), he used only half a day to migrate a non-secure broker running on, to the high-secure dedicated AWS MQTT broker.

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Marco Spoel
Mendix Community

Low-code Maker and Architect. I'm working with Mendix since 2018 and recently with other Low-code platforms too, like Pega and Quickwork.