Integrating Zoom with your Mendix app

Nithysha Shilpa Rosal K P
Mendix Community
Published in
5 min readSep 6, 2021


All APIs under Zoom’s API are accessed via HTTPS at specified URLs. The base URL for all requests is and the complete URL varies depending on the endpoint of the resource being accessed.

Start building today

If you don’t yet have a Zoom account, create one by clicking the ‘Sign Up’ link here: Once you activate your account, you’ll be ready to join as a Developer account.

Next Steps

  1. To Start building an app click the build app button.

A JSON Web Token (JWT) lets you create tokens that provide secure data transmission using a compact JSON object.

To do this, register a JWT in the Zoom App Marketplace. Use the token generated from the JWT app and start making API requests to the Zoom APIs.

  1. Choose the JWT app type and enter details in the information tab.
  2. Click next → Copy the JWT token for authorization (i.e.generated based on API key and API secret key)

3. Click continue and then click activate your app.

In Studio Pro


Create a new project and create a configuration entity and overview pages to store the jwt token as authorization to use zoom API

Create meetings

  1. Create an entity called Meeting with the following attributes :
  • Subject
  • StartDateTime
  • Duration
  • Agenda
  • Password

2. Then create or generate overview pages to store meeting details. For Creating the meeting use the API.

3. Create a string variable called body to pass into the rest call.

4. Your General tab in rest call activity looks like this:

5. Pass the Stored JWT Token from the configuration as the authorization token in the HTTP headers tab to post the request to Zoom’s API.

6. Pass the created body variable in the request body. Now call this microflow in the save meeting button.

7. Add this to your app’s navigation and run the app locally, in order to configure the JWT token (Taken from the Zoom JWT app)

8. Create the meeting by entering the required details and then save the meeting.

If you have done everything correctly up to this point, the meeting will be created in your zoom app based on provided details entered in your Mendix app.

List meetings:

1. To List all the meetings that were scheduled for a user use the following API.

2. Configure the General Tab as shown below

3. Configure HTTP Headers Tab by passing the JWT token as Authorization.

4. Create a JSON structure as shown below.

5. Then create an Import Mapping as shown below, using the JSON Structure created previously.

5. Retrieve and map the response to the meeting entity.

6 . Add this to the navigation and run the app locally and click retrieve meeting and the request will be sent to the API and the user’s meeting’s will be retrieved successfully.

7 . You can see the Start time, duration, joinURL, and password, etc…for all the meetings.

Add Invites:

You can also add invitees to the meeting by using the following API.

To use the Invites API, the Zoom app will need to be licensed.

As a work around, you can also send the meeting invite url and password to the attendee’s mail using the Mendix email module.

Going ahead, you can expect a public module in the Mendix Market Place on this implementation.

Until then have fun trying it out! Stay safe! Happy coding!

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