Go to Mental Models & Product
Mental Models & Product
The more models we have in our heads as product thinkers, the bigger the toolbox we will have. By minimizing our “blind spots” in cultivating a 360 way of thinking, we can confidently say we made the best decision at the time with the information we had.
Note from the editor

The more models we have in our heads as product thinkers, the bigger the toolbox we will have. By minimizing our “blind spots” in cultivating a 360 way of thinking, we can confidently say we made the best decision at the time with the information we had.

Go to the profile of Isabel Gan
Isabel Gan
Growth PM @ Unbounce | writing about all things product & mental models
Go to the profile of Isabel Gan
Isabel Gan
Growth PM @ Unbounce | writing about all things product & mental models