A Noisy Grave

Femi Senjobi
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Everyone lays quietly in the grave
But not Jesus! He was busy, it was noisy
He was busy cancelling debts
Erasing the handwriting of condemnation
And revoking all decrees against us

All the sin God put on Him on the cross
He took them along to the very depths
So heavy it seemed like a free-fall
Dropping through the shafts of abyss
To the very depths where souls are bound

He descended to the deepest depths
And set the captives free forever
And bound the ones holding them captive
He stripped them of power and authority
Making a public spectacle of them

And so He returned from the very pits
With records of no standing charge against us
Blank debt sheets, voiceless accusations
And decrees that can only work in our favour
It was noisy- writing, rewriting and shuffling

And if you ask about all the sin and curse?
It kept falling as He returned from the deep
And reports say today, it’s still falling
No wonder “I have removed your sins from you”
“As far as the east is from the west”

As He rose from the very depths
The captors are now captive in full view of heaven
Oh that we may see what a spectacle He made of them
No wonder “He roams about like a lion”
Because His strength, in the deep, is forever bound

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Femi Senjobi
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