Closer to the Cross

Femi Senjobi
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2024
Photo by Alicia Quan on Unsplash

Draw me close to the foot of the cross
Where I can see You more closely
Where I can see the thorns on Your head
And the nails in your hands and feet
Where I can hear you groan
And see the river from your pierced side

Draw me closer to the foot of the cross
Where you hand sons over to mothers
And make broken souls into wholes
Where you put an end to an era
Causing the sun to set and the veils rent
Starting the clock for the brand new day

Draw me closer to the foot of the cross
Where I need to look up to see your face
Where my entire being is reminded
That you did this all for me
So that my entire existence is revived
To live the rest of my days for you

Draw me close to the foot of the cross
Where all my sin and curse are lifted
Where all of Your righteousness is inputed
Where You became poor that I be rich
Where You became nought that I be all
Where You hand me back to the Father

So I’ll never be too far away that I’ll forget
And never be too blurry that I’m unsure
So the hills and valleys don’t obstruct my sight
So it will never be to me just another legend
Draw me close to the foot of the cross
And never again be a moment away from it

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Femi Senjobi
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