Finissage “New Realities”

Panel discussion and lecture on the history of AI Art

Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2024


German Version

Photo by Cindy Uslu

It was a lively panel discussion about AI, art, and creativity at the Museum of Communication in Nuremberg with Dr. Annabelle Hornung, Maren Burghard, Eva Gengler, and myself. The event was part of the finissage of the exhibition “New Realities” — a unique exhibition where AI and art could be experienced in a visual and haptic way.

The hall was packed, we had to move to the main hall because of the rush, about 150 people came.

We concluded that we are still at the beginning and should implement AI in meaningful, creative and educational way, with critical thinking and supporting artist-friendly approaches.

I also gave two talks:

  • AI and Art: Where are we now? (history of generative art up to the present day)
  • AI and art: Where are we going? (ideas, visions and proposals for the future development of art in the context of AI)

The discussions with the audience were also very inspiring — the curiosity and openness towards new media showed me again: we are building a new cultural epoch.

The Exhibition “New Realities”




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.