MerzFiles #04: I am an AI-driven troll (probably).

I greet you, my dear 45!



So you are probably aware of my biggest sin — I begin series. And then I begin a new one, and so on. Sequential thinking? Anyway, I continue my series sometimes, oh yes I do.

So here’s a deal: when we will be 100 subscribers, I’ll tell you more about my series.

Today I just tell about “Our Research Facility”.

I started this series on Instagram (are we following us?) years ago. It was a small portal into another dimension, full of mad scientists, mysteries, and other weird stuff.

And now I will invade Medium with this stuff from an alternate reality. For example this:

Meaning of Life

Reports from our Research Facility

No more, no less.

Apropos, meaning of life. Here is my favorite, written by Artificial Intelligence (still GPT-2, back to 2019):

Read other meanings here.

Radio #LatentVoices

My other series you might have missed is something fully new: Radio #LatentVoices. Using the JukeBox music model by OpenAI I generate new soundscapes, songs, and music pieces, which are published daily on Twitter.

Psst, for you, as my dear readers, here is a link to the playlist with my entire collection of AI-music on SoundCloud. It’s updated continuously.

Or just follow my thread. Probably there will be an article on that. Too many topics, too little time.

Preserving memories

Recently, a video game was published — PROMESA, based on dialogs of the developer with his grandfather about memories and life.

The game is a wonderful examination of remembering and forgetting, and it shares foreign fates with you — and you become part of others’ lives.

SuperJump published my article / or video photographic examination?

Photoshop and AI

In other news, Photoshop begins using its Neural Filters, based on various ML models and approaches.

At the moment they cannot convince me in various aspects, but here is my review:

Meanwhile, I’m about to become a beta tester of Adobe Neural Filters, so the follow-ups will come

Merzmensch as Tweetbomber

I have to admit, I am sometimes a troll. An AI-driven one.

Say, if somebody posts a nice photo, I 3D-Photo-Inpaint it:

Or when France Culture publishes a photo of Sartre with a Sphynx,

I run a GPT-3 on it, imagining how would sound a dialog between Sartre and Sphynx:

Or in other cases, my reply goes almost viral, as I ask AI to imagine what would happen if Machiavelli would visit McDonald’s.

I’m kind of a spammer probably. But I cannot stop. And I’ll be back.

People. Don’t throw books away.

A University Library did it once — and here is my report about this traumatic incident. A day, as I could take any photo.

ah, and my other series: ParAIdolia. Using Machine Learning model StyleGAN2, trained on millions of faces, AI tries to recognize faces in practically everything.

Here is a new one. Original + three developments.

For my German readers, here is a Fairy-Tale about computers, what they do, when the office is closed at night:

Ah, and the last one:

Our Mysterious Entity ALIMA has got a new soundtrack.

Check it out here:

That’s all folks, stay safe and healthy.

Let’s create and inspire!

Yours, Merzmensch




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.