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Wayne Gretzky and The Zen of Talent Engagement in a Web 2.0 World

I’m a big fan of Wayne Gretzky, in fact, he’s one of my heroes. He’s arguably the greatest hockey player of all time, and certainly the most prolific scorer, in part because he always went where the puck was going…

A Look at Real World Social Impact

As we are all more than aware, there is great upheaval taking place in Iran. Twitter, Facebook, and other social media tools (collectively the “new” new media) have provided a conduit for real-time news and information that organizations like CNN (the old media — even…

A Great Essay on “The Rise Of The Social Nervous System”

My friend Sarah Vroman shared this link with me and I found it to be a perfect explanation for the current social media boom. People ask me all the time “Why would anyone want to Twitter or Facebook?” and I never have the perfect…