How to Get a Meta Apes NFT Fighter?

Meta Apes
Meta Apes
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2022
How to Get a Meta Apes NFT Fighter?

gm Space Monkeys!

The Chief Apes heard that some of you were asking how to get Meta Apes NFT fighters. So, we compiled this guide for you.

If you are a beginner, go through the Meta Apes starter guide and return to this.

And before we get into the ways to get one, let’s understand the use of NFT fighters in the Meta Apes game.

A fighter has four skills, and these skills are more powerful in the NFT fighters. On top of that, the NFT fighters have additional skills, which will give the players an advantage in the game. These skills are unique and result in no two NFT fighters being the same. This allows further challenges, as you have to strategize according to the fighters you own and improves the depth of gameplay.

The NFT fighters also feature cosmetic benefits such as halo, lighting and user ID. Furthermore, NFT fighters yield SHELL in-game tokens, which can be converted into $SHELL on APE Chain and then to BNB Smart Chain (BSC).

The generation of SHELL depends on the type of NFT fighter you own. They are classified as below.

Always make sure the contract addresses are accurate.



APE Chain

Meta/Epic/Rare NFT Fighters: 0xF9eBA2FE3F8d03d098a439fab2038c737D3DBB94

Souvenir NFT Fighters: 0xc805C32B3D9a29E54F6c01d4d0a322697BE23C64

Now, as you know what NFT fighters do in Meta Apes, let’s dive into the ways to get them.

Trade on

Meta Apes NFT Fighter on
Meta Apes NFT Fighter on Source:

Go to the Meta Apes NFT Fighters page on Galler marketplace. You have a ton of options. Open the one you like.

Chief Apes developed a library where you can get more details on the fighter, which helps you decide on your purchase.

To do that,

Token details on
Token details on Source:

Copy the Token ID of the NFT fighter from

Meta Apes Marketplace
Meta Apes Marketplace. Source: Meta Apes

Visit our NFT Library and input Token ID in the search bar, and go.

NFT fighter details
NFT fighter details. Source: Meta Apes

There you have it. Detailed info on your favourite NFT.

Now, go back to

Buying Meta Apes NFT fighter on
Buying Meta Apes NFT fighter on Source:

You can buy an NFT directly if it has a Buy option.

Bidding on Meta Apes NFT fighter
Bidding on Meta Apes NFT fighter. Source:

Or make them an offer they can’t refuse.

My Assets in
My Assets in Source:

After the purchase, you can find the NFT fighter in the My Assets section. Now, bridge the NFTs from BSC to APE Chain so that you can use them in the game. The process is simple.

  • Import your NFTs to your MetaMask wallet first. You’ll need to do this by inputting the token address & ID of the NFTs.
  • BSC token address for NFT fighters: 0x5704075803A122Fc5afc8B60f07B84B77e065B5e
  • You can find the token ID of NFT fighter on
  • Open the Celer bridge.
  • Select the specific NFT fighter you want to bridge from BSC to APE Chain.
  • The NFT will be transferred within 5–20 minutes.


Meta Apes Blindbox
Meta Apes Blindbox. Source:

Meta Apes holds Blindbox events in which a collection of NFT fighters will be dropped in a marketplace for the community to mint. Our most recent, Meta Apes Fighter, has a collection of 5,000 NFTs and was sold out in just a couple of days.

More Blindboxes are coming soon. We’ll of course share the details in advance, but be ready to grab them quickly!


We believe in giving back to the community.

We conduct various giveaways and community events and distribute NFT fighters as prizes.

Keep an eye on our social media to be the first to know and win an NFT fighter.

Trade on Our Marketplace

You will soon be able to buy/trade your NFTs in the Meta Apes marketplace. Stay tuned!

Already got one? Play Meta Apes now!

We hope this article helped you. For more such articles, subscribe to our Medium publication. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Reddit, and join the conversation on Discord.



Meta Apes
Meta Apes

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