Prepare for Takeoff!

Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2020

It’s our pleasure to unveil the next steps in the public launch of MetaClan — the first crypto native eSports DAO.

Since sharing our introduction article, our Summoners have been hard at work strategizing on the best way(s) to make MetaClan as accessible, attractive, and innovative as possible.

In the spirit of creating a DAO which invites as much participation as possible, here’s a look at how you can get involved in the coming weeks.

MetaClan Roles

Behind every successful community lies a suite of varied skill sets. Within MetaClan, all our roles will have the ability to earn higher ranks, with top-ranking roles able to access more features within the DAO.


These are the fiercest competitors MetaClan has to offer. Once granted this status, players can appeal for funding to complete quests, access cutting-edge loadouts, and earn placements in official tournaments on behalf of the guild. Guardians collect bounties, participate in player staking, and gather information on our target games.


As specialized experts, Commanders are responsible for recruiting Guardians and overseeing how MetaClan is interacting with different games. Commanders are hand-selected from within the DAO and tasked with quests like creating player guides and recruiting top-tier talent for tournaments.

Introducing 3xHuman!

With gaming roots in MMORPGs, 3xHuman was earning serious income off games like Kal Online — specifically by flipping in-game items earned from quests — when he was just 15 years old.

After dabbling around in crypto as a BitMex trader, ExHuman found solace in Axie — largely due to the competitive nature and the fact that players could seamlessly sell and trade their game assets for digital currency.

More recently, ExHuman was featured in Bankless — diving into how he’s created a career out of playing Axie. We believe that these skills demonstrate the exact sort of tenacity we wish to instil in our DAO, and further feel ExHuman is the perfect commander to do so.

In exchange for his contributions to our first mission (described below), ExHuman will be rewarded with shares upon the summoning of the DAO.


For those looking to fuel our economy, Lords act as a passive role to contribute funding to the War Chest. Lords stand to earn shares and insights, ultimately empowering MetaClan’s missions as they ascend the ranks.


The individuals responsible for creating and coordinating the launch of MetaClan. Summoners were the first to deploy time and capital into the DAO, and will help incubate new quests and partnerships. Here’s a quick glance at the MetaClan summoners:

  • Alex “SillyTuna” Amsel — Long-time game developer spearheading Mule.XP and Metaboss
  • James Waugh — DAO extraordinaire with a history in OPSkin arbitrage
  • Piers Kicks — Former top 70 global R6S player & early bitcoin adopter, now leading the gaming division of a hybrid crypto/venture fund.
  • Coopahtroopa — Competitive Halo & Fortnite player with a passion for eSports, DAOs and DeFi.

DAO Specifics

MetaClan will use Moloch V2 as its underlying DAO framework. For more information about Moloch V2 and why it was chosen, please reference this primer.

At its core, parameters of MetaClan include:

  • Minimum Guardian Tribute Size: 25 DAI
  • Minimum Lord Tribute Size: 250 DAI
  • Voting Period: 2 Days
  • Grace Period: 2 Days
  • RageQuit: Enabled
  • GuildKick: Enabled

We seek to make MetaClan as accessible as possible. With this, MetaClan will seek to enable membership proposals funded by NFTs as well as with Dai.

We expect that new proposals will be sponsored by Summoners and Commanders at inception, with the intent to allow any DAO member to sponsor new proposals over time.

Due to the nascent nature of DAOs like Moloch V2, in-game loot earned by Guardians will be collected and handled using a multi-sig wallet handled by MetaClan Summoners.

Our First Quest

Over the past 2 months, MetaClan has been keeping a close eye on the larger gaming ecosystem. We’ve been seeing a significant uptick in demand for both virtual land and in-game assets, both of which we feel are well represented by our first partner — Axie Infinity.

MetaClan x Axie Infinity

With a Pokemon and Tamagotchi like feel, Axie Infinity is a digital pet community centred around collecting, training, raising, and battling fantasy creatures called Axies. It combines collectable NFT assets with unique card and skill game mechanics which have garnered attention from the sector’s top gamers.

In lieu of the launch of Season 3, MetaClan has partnered with Axie Infinity to conduct a breeding tournament geared around spawning a new wave of MetaClan gladiators.

All MetaClan DAO members will receive SLP to breed their Axies shortly following our launch.

In the coming weeks, MetaClan will release an Axie breeding guide with suggested breeding tactics along with the details, logistics, and timeframes for the tournament itself.

As we seek to provide quests which help new players acquaint themselves with the crypto native games of tomorrow, we hope that this tournament can favor a wide spectrum of players, all of which will ultimately build momentum for more competitive quests in the near future. Best of all, this quest is the first of many benefits DAO members will receive over the coming months!

Get Involved

MetaClan is an entirely community-driven initiative.

In the spirit of MetaCartel, we seek to pool our talent, knowledge, and passion to create strong foundations within each and every prominent crypto-native game.

To help us in our mission to conquer the wider crypto-gaming ecosystem, join our Discord for next steps on how to pledge to the DAO and claim your SLP for the tournament.

Eager to partner on a quest with MetaClan? Shoot us an email at to chat with one of our Summoners.

In an age where social capital quickly begins to rival monetary contributions, MetaClan is eager to explore the fringes of a largely untapped market.

We are incredibly excited about the road ahead and thank you all for joining us on this journey!

MetaClan Socials:
Discord | Telegram | Twitter




MetaClanDAO is a next generation video game guild that unlocks value for developers, players, and spectators alike.