Keepin App by Metadium is Here for Mainnet Token Swap: Everything You Need to Know

Published in
6 min readFeb 15, 2019

Dear Metadians,

As you may have noticed, the Metadium team is making headway for major project developments this coming month and next. Our mainnet will be launching on February 28th, four months ahead of its initially scheduled launch date, and we couldn’t be more excited.

Today marks the official launch of our native mobile application Keepin, which is now available for download. In order for a streamlined transition to the mainnet launch, we encourage users to download the Keepin application on their mobile devices (Currently only for Android Google Play Store, but with iOS App Store coming soon). Not only will the Keepin application serve as an access point to the mainnet after the mainnet launches, but it will also streamline the token swap process for users.

To support easy and stable META token to META coin swap, the first available feature is a secure wallet, which is currently limited to only receiving META and registering other wallets holding META via Private Key [at the moment]. Over the course of the next months, we will gradually be issuing updates to the app through added features which will help realize Self-Sovereign Identity; the application won’t need to be redownload as we add more features! In the long-term, Keepin will be an integral part of how users interact with the Metadium mainnet. Stay posted as we reveal more information in the near future on how Keepin will enable users to not only store personal attributes, but also authenticate their identities.

Announcement Content

Metadium App Release Airdrop Details

Get Started with Keepin and prepare for the token swap.

Token Swap Walkthrough video guide

Token Economics Paper

Developers Update

Keepin Release Airdrop

To celebrate the release of Keepin, the Metadium team is announcing an airdrop. You can find more information on the Metadium website. Follow the instructions to claim your META!

Date: 15.02.2019 1PM — 08.03.2019 5PM KST

Prize Pool: 1,500,000 META (1500 META per person, max. 1,000 people on a first-come, first-served basis).


  1. Download the Keepin App here

2. Take a picture of you with the app on your phone (example provided on the website).

Your face must be visible.

Keepin app must be visible.

Wallet address must be visible.

Make sure to smile ;)

3. Share the photo on your Instagram/Facebook/Twitter with hashtags (you must be following our Instagram/Facebook/Twitter): #Metadium #Keepin #OwnYourIdentity

4. Tag 3 friends under your post (in comments)

Register yourself through this form (provide your Keepin wallet address, we will send prize to Keepin Wallet address).

You can track your submission here.

Prize distribution date is to be announced​.

*The posts should be available for the whole period of the event.

**Your profiles should be public for us to be able to verify your submissions.

*** By entering this airdrop event, you grant us permission to use your uploaded pictures.

Get Started with Keepin and prepare for the token swap.

Below is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to secure your tokens with Keepin. Please note that we recommend three ways to secure your tokens and prepare for token swap:

  1. Download Keepin, and deposit your tokens into your Keepin META wallet. Once your tokens are in your Keepin META wallet, they will be automatically swapped to META coins when the mainnet launches.
  2. Download Keepin and register Private Key of your wallet holding META through “Add META Wallet” feature provided in Keepin. Once registered they will be automatically swapped to META coins when the mainnet launches.
  3. Deposit your tokens on supporting exchanges before token freeze which is scheduled for 11:59:59 AM KST on February 22, 2019.

The entire process should take less than five minutes.

Android users: Download Keepin mobile app here.

iOS users: Keepin has been submitted to App Store and is currently going through the review process. We will release a separate notice once Keepin is available in App Store.

Step 1 — Download and install Keepin

  • Visit Metadium website and download Keepin application.
  • Install Keepin.

Step 2 — Keepin Terms and Privacy Policy

  • Launch Keepin application.
  • You will get notice about our Mainnet Launch and Token Swap once the app is launched.
  • Review Terms and Privacy Policy and click “Agree to Terms & Privacy Policy and Start!”

Step 3.1 — Set PIN Number

  • Enter a 6-digit Pin Number that will be used to access Keepin.
  • Re-enter PIN Number and verify.
  • Important: If you forget your PIN Number, you won’t be able to access Keepin. Please do not forget your PIN Number.

Step 3.2 — Biometric authentication

  • To enable biometric authentication click “Enable”.
  • Press your finger to the home button on your device.
  • Hello screen will appear.
  • If you’re going to go through the tutorial, please click “Let’s see!”

Step 4 — Save recovery code(mnemonic)

  • To save recovery code, click “Check recovery code(Mnemonic)”.
  • Click “Copy to clipboard” and save them somewhere safe and secret.
  • Click “Next, Confirm recovery code(Mnemonic)” and arrange them in the right order.
  • Click “Confirm Recovery Code(Mnemonic)”.

Step 5.1 — Register META holding wallet via Private Key through “Add META Wallet”

  • Add other wallets holding META by clicking “Add META Wallet” at the “Explore (2/2)” stage or [+] on the Wallet screen.
  • Give a name to a wallet.
  • Enter Private Key or scan QR code.
  • You should see a message on the next screen: “Cool! See you again with additional features”.
  • Click “Proceed to the Main Screen.”
  • Pop up might appear. Close or view.

Step 5–2 — Transfer your META to “META Wallet”

  • Click “Wallet” feature of Keepin at the bottom center
  • Click “Receive” (“Send” function is unable to support easy and stable META token to META coin swap)
  • Check and copy Public Key via clicking “Copy META Wallet Address” or present the QR code.
  • Send your META coins from exchange or other wallet to META wallet via copied Public Key or QR code

That’s it. You should be able to see your wallet and balance in Keepin now. You can add more wallets by pressing “+”. Please note that you can only deposit META to META Wallet. The [Send] function will be added following our Mainnet launch and subsequent internal tests. Stay tuned for further notice.

Token Swap Walkthrough video guide

Token Economics Paper

Along with the application, we are releasing token economics paper that contains the following information:

  • Network Governance
  • Distribution Mechanics of META Inflation
  • Alpha Inflation Regime
  • Omega Inflation Regime

Developers Update

We will be releasing more developer kits prior to the mainnet launch. You can visit our Developer Portal to explore available resources.

We thank you for your continued support!


Team Metadium.

Follow us on Medium, Facebook and Twitter, and join our Telegram Group to receive the latest updates regarding token swap, mainnet and application.




Metadium powers identification, authentication and crypto transaction management, providing AML compliance and risk management solutions.