Play-to-Earn Games & Gaming Guilds: Bringing Life-Changing Opportunities

MetaGaming Guild
Published in
5 min readApr 19, 2022

Knowing about play-to-earn gaming is essential to see the real value of gaming guilds. Play-to-earn (or P2E) is an extremely exciting development in the gaming industry right now. The concept is based on an open economy providing financial benefits to all players who add value within a gaming environment.

On the other hand, gaming guilds provide gamers with the necessary funds and tools to experience a growing roster of “play-to-earn” titles — all in exchange for a cut of players’ earnings through a live scholarship profit-sharing program.

Let’s take this as an example: buying an Axie on the popular crypto game Axie Infinity can be quite expensive roughly $100 during the early stages of the game. Some guild users are willing to put some of their earnings toward renting in-game assets from the guild.

Gaming Guilds’ Role

Imagine a gaming guild specializing in play-to-earn games. They will invest in certain games and enable hundreds or even thousands of players to use these gaming assets to play and make money. Profit is shared between players, managers, and the gaming guild treasury enabling them to invest more.

At MetaGaming Guild (MGG), what we do is rent out NFT assets to players worldwide to generate revenues. This way, gamers can access NFT games without upfront costs, access early-stage game tokens like VCs, and deploy their NFTs to automated yield.

At present, MGG gets its revenue from farmed cryptocurrency (with 50–50 profit sharing) and generated early-stage NFT assets of incredibly exciting games such as Demole, Nitro League, WAM, Dark Frontiers, Gold Fever, Place War, The Kill Box and many more. To date, MGG now has more than 5,000 NFTs in the Treasury and 1,500 active scholars.

Life-changing Opportunities

Earning an income by playing games is a dream for many. If one struggles to buy food and care for the family, this could be a life-changing opportunity.

Thousands of people are now playing these games to make a living. This is sustainable because rich countries pay and invest in these games while the money flows to the poor and underprivileged people. It’s a long story, but there is a transition of funds between different groups of players happening. Using play to earn games, people can make a nice monthly income and can help change their lives. This is not the future. This is happening now.

Words from Play-to-Earn Gamers

Here are also some of the testimonials from our scholars showing how MGG has brought them life-changing opportunities:

  • “MGG has been a great help to my family since last year, amidst the pandemic. I am a part-time construction worker and a jeepney driver working my way through the pandemic. The situation has greatly affected our income and daily expenses. This is why I am so thankful for having the opportunity given by MGG, not only to me, but to my whole family. We were given the chance to have Axie scholarships and play-to-earn. At times when the income from driving the jeepney or other jobs don’t bode well, I play Axie. Thank you to MGG and the people behind it. You are a big help to us.” (MGG97, MGG46, MGG38, HGC94, MGG629 & MGG631)
  • “When I joined the MGG, my life changed and playing Axie Infinity is different from others (in this guild), it’s just not about the game, it's about the guild that helped me to grow as a person and play competitive with others, it changed my whole life as a part of the MGG and all the members of the MGG, especially for the COO and CEO of the MGG they don’t just give scholars but they help the scholars to grow more.” (mgg57)
  • “Thanks to MGG, I was given the opportunity to be a scholar and have my own Axie team. I hope this brings more income to me and I wish more people will be reached and helped by MGG. Again, thank you!” (MGG 402)

MetaGaming Guild continues to grow its project to benefit larger gaming community. Its target? To on-board up to 10,000 scholars at the end of 2022. In case you want to be part of the fastest growing GameFi guild of this season, then apply today. Here are 10 Steps on How to Become A Scholar at MGG.

Written by: Cherilyn De Vera


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About MetaGaming Guild

MetaGaming Guild (MGG) is one of the world’s fastest growing GameFi guilds who’s on a mission to make game finance fairer for the masses.

MGG buys the best Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) from gaming startups and rents them out to a community of players through the scholarship program. With this, MGG scholars can access games without upfront costs, access early stage game tokens like VCs, and deploy their NFTs to automated yield.

What We Do

Gaming Guild | INO/IGO Launchpad | GameFi Vaults | Game Yield Farming | P2E Game


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MetaGaming Guild

MetaGaming Guild (MGG) is a global community of tactical NFT gamers who actively play-and-earn.