Forging Reward Distribution Gets Improved with Infrastructure Torrent Node Release

Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2019

We are excited to announce the release of Infrastructure Torrent node and changes to the forging reward distribution which are aimed at making it more fair, predictable, and clear for all forgers, including wallets’ ones. Please read the exact integration roadmap in the end of the news.

More fair wallet rewards distribution

As you know there is a factor of forging farms which significantly affects the distribution of rewards. According to our beliefs and the needs of further growth of #MetaHash we think that shifting to the prioritization of unique users is a timely, reasonable, and fair decision.

Starting from May 16th, 2019 the following changes will be applied:

  • 1% of forging pool will be shared between all active wallets which forge with not less than 100 #MHC
  • To take part in the random reward the minimum of 1000 #MHC should be used. Most of the current community does have this amount, so we expect that the number of farms will decrease thus opening more opportunities for those users who forge with one PC (home one e.g)
  • Tickets for random rewards will be granted for every 4 hours of been online
  • IPs of data centers will get 1 ticket while IPs of home internet providers will get 10 tickets

Besides, the reward for the 1st place has been changed from 5% to 4%, here is an updated list:

  • 4%: first place
  • 1%: second place
  • 0.5%: third place
  • 0.415%: fourth place
  • 0.335%: fifth place
  • 0.95%: from 6th to 100th (0.01% each)
  • 1.8%: from 101st to 1,000th (0.002% each)

Updating node rewards

As the new node role — Infrastructure Torrent — has been recently introduced, the following changes to the current distribution scheme need to be applied for a number of reasons.

The previous scheme, listed in Yellow Paper, was based on automatic balance distribution between nodes, which was not fully clear and predictable for node owners. Besides, the previous approach caused excessive competition between nodes which resulted in owners buying hardware much more expensive than actually required for the network.

According to the new scheme, which is much more balanced and stable for node owners, the reward pool will be split into 6 equal parts — 3 geo-based parts such as Asia, Europe, and Americas for infrastructure torrent nodes and same 3 geo-based parts for peer nodes. Each node will be automatically affiliated to one of these 3 regions based on the speed tests in these internet connectivity clusters.

For infrastructure torrent nodes:

  • To become an infrastructure torrent node the user will need to run a test
  • No star system, the reward will be equally distributed among all nodes which passed the test
  • The minimum requirements for passing a test must fit the requirements in Yellow Paper
  • Minimum delegation amount: 500,000
  • Maximum delegation amount: 10,000,000

For peer nodes:

  • To become a peer node the user will need to run a test
  • No star system, the reward will be equally distributed among all nodes which passed the test
  • The minimum requirements for passing a test must fit the requirements in Yellow Paper
  • Minimum delegation amount: 100,000
  • Maximum delegation amount: 1,000,000

With the further introduction of other roles, the total amount of which according to current plans will make up to 5 or more including peer and infrastructure torrent nodes, the reward system will be again corrected in order to keep it clear, predictable, and fair for all node owners. All changes will be respectively added to Yellow Paper and White Paper.

Read more about Infrastructure Torrent Node

Integration roadmap

May 15, 2019

  • The interface will be updated (estimated time — around noon)
    Users may lock 100 #MHC or 1000 #MHC in #MetaGate forging, but the reward will be still calculated based on previous rules

May 16, 2019

  • The new reward system will be integrated and the new rules listed above will be applied (activation time — 00:00 UTC+3:00)

May 17

  • The first rewards according to new rules will be distributed to forgers

