Metaiye Media Joins Prestigious Lamina 1 Early Access Program

Dele Atanda
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2023

The metaVerse, a concept popularized by Neal Stephenson’s 1992 novel Snow Crash, is rapidly becoming a reality. As technology advances, virtual and augmented reality are merging to create immersive experiences that go beyond our wildest imagination. One such advancement is Apple’s new Vision Pro headset, which promises to bring the metaVerse into the mainstream. However, what’s even more thrilling is the potential to use this cutting-edge device to experience metaKnyts, a groundbreaking franchise developed by Metaiye Media. With Metaiye Media’s recent inclusion in Neal Stephenson’s Lamina 1 Early Access Program, the doors to the metaVerse have been thrown wide open.

Joining the Lamina 1 Early Access Program

Metaiye Media has been selected to join the prestigious Lamina 1 Early Access Program, spearheaded by the visionary author and futurist Neal Stephenson. Lamina 1 is a blockchain for the open metaVerse, co-founded by Stephenson and Peter Vessenes, a pioneer in the world of digital currencies. This exclusive program offers an elite cohort of metaVerse studios and projects the opportunity to test, integrate, and onboard their technologies and experiences onto Lamina 1, ultimately enabling them to feature on Lamina 1’s emerging Open Metaverse platform upon its launch.

Revolutionizing Entertainment with metaKnyts

Metaiye Media has set out to revolutionize the entertainment landscape with its innovative metaKnyts franchise. The franchise explores the evolution of the decentralized internet and presents a multi-episodic saga that incorporates collectibles, motion-comics, and a metaVerse game. This unique blend of storytelling experiences envisions a future paradigm where decentralized money, information, and AI are at the forefront. By partnering with Lamina 1, Metaiye Media aims to catapult the metaKnyts franchise into the forefront of the burgeoning metaVerse space, especially with the recent launch of Apple’s Vision Pro mixed reality wearable.

Neal Stephenson AMA Podcast with Dele Atanda

As part of Metaiye Media’s induction into the Lamina 1 Early Access Program, Dele Atanda, the visionary behind the company and creator of metaKnyts, engaged in a captivating discussion on Identity in the metaVerse with Neal Stephenson himself. This podcast offers listeners a fascinating insight into the possibilities and challenges of creating and maintaining identities in the immersive metaVerse. The recording of this thought-provoking conversation can be found here.

Future Developments:

With Metaiye Media’s involvement in the Lamina 1 Early Access Program and the release of Apple’s Vision Pro, the future is brimming with excitement. The partnership between Metaiye Media and Lamina 1 opens up endless possibilities for the metaKnyts franchise to thrive within the metaVerse. As the realms of virtual and augmented reality converge, we can anticipate even more thrilling developments from Metaiye Media that will captivate audiences and push the boundaries of storytelling in the metaVerse.


The convergence of technology, storytelling, and the metaVerse is paving the way for extraordinary experiences. Metaiye Media’s inclusion in Neal Stephenson’s Lamina 1 Early Access Program and their groundbreaking metaKnyts franchise exemplify the limitless potential of the metaVerse. As Apple’s Vision Pro headset brings the metaVerse into the mainstream, we can look forward to exploring the rich narrative world of metaKnyts and immersing ourselves in a new kind of entertainment experience. Stay tuned for the exciting developments yet to come from Metaiye Media as they shape the future of storytelling in the metaVerse.

Dele Atanda with Neal Stephenson



Dele Atanda

Entrepreneur, innovator and future hacker — Founder and CEO metaMe; Founder and 1st Citizen The Internet Foundation