No Code & Low Code Stack you can use to build your next SaaS

No-Code/Low-Code Stack For Building Quick SAAS Projects

Shivanshu Gupta
4 min readApr 24, 2024


Coding a SaaS from scratch can be a challenging task, you need to debug all the issues and make sure the features work every time you make any new changes. But what if we minimize the work here and use the power of No-Code/Low-Code tools to build the entire SaaS from scratch? This will save our time and effort and we will be able to launch in the market soon.

Thus, in today’s article, I will share the No-Code/Low-Code stack that you can use to build your next SaaS project.

But before we start, if you have developed a SaaS or are having problems understanding how to market it, I’ve got the perfect book I recently wrote, Marketing Strategies to Grow Your SaaS”. This book will help you to take a deep dive into SaaS marketing and know how to get long-term paying customers for your SaaS, that covers all the necessary steps and strategies in depth to help you take your SaaS from scratch and get some real paying users.

To understand this better I’ve broken down things into Website development, Frontend development, and Backend development. For any SaaS these 3 phases are generic and we will see what tools we can use to build it.

Backend Development 😎

Starting with the backend we normally start with the APIs and CRUD operations. For this, we can use Headless CMS Strapi, it’s a really powerful CMS and you can build your entire CRUD operations with databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Lite. It supports normal database operations, many-to-many relations, one-to-many relations, and many more things.

You can also add API tokens to your APIs which will protect them from getting public, also there are a lot of third-party integrations like email, payments, and third-party authentication like Google, Facebook, GitHub, and more social media.

Frontend Development 🧑‍💻

For the frontend, there are two options we can choose only frontend templates that will contain the code for the UI and components or we can start with SaaS boilerplates and build things on top of it.

Now lot of times most developers prefer using boilerplates, as a lot of code for basic frontend UI components + functionality are built in it from where they can continue to build up. But the problems come out it’s minimal like there is no Analytics Page, Users Page, Orders Page, or Invoice Page. On the other hand, if you go with MUI Store React Templates you can see that we have a lot of options and pages already for us from where we can remove and customize it and build further.

If you ask me I would go with the MUI Templates as they are already building where I can just plug my APIs from Strapi and continue with other features.

In case you want to check more boilerplate options please check my other article on Medium for this.

Website Development 🌎

Website development is very important and is the first thing that your users will see, having a strong website with a CTA converts a good amount of users for your SaaS. I would love to use WebFlow or WordPress for building up the website.

My first preference would be WebFlow as it has modern templates, is fast, and is not PHP. But I’ll leave this decision up to you, to pick up whatever you like to use for your SaaS website.

If you follow these things it would be enough for you to start with your SaaS, backend is always the most important and difficult thing for any SaaS thus following the headless CSM can help you to save time.

Also if you are going to start your AI-driven SaaS but are confused about the defining scope, technical requirements, budget planning, organizing resources, or many other doubts. Then in this case must check out my book “Cheat Code for Building AI-Driven SaaS”. This book will provide you with extensive guidance and you will find your path for building your AI-based SaaS. 🤖



Shivanshu Gupta
MEVE The Publication.

I provide SaaS Consultation and help my clients in development for there SaaS. For useful insights on SaaS check my newsletter